In the short time in this class, I can say that I have learned a lot and have been assured that this program is for me. In the beginning, I had my concerns and doubts and though I still do, there not as scary as it was in the first week. This class and this program, I feel, will properly prepare me to advance my career and allow me to increase my learning.
One of the surprising things I have learned is that instructional design in not a rigid process and it’s okay to not go in order and I feel that ADDIE isn’t a process that needs to be followed that is, but rather it is a guideline for instructional designers. From both the both and the exercises we have done in class, I’m learning how important it is for instructional designers to advocate for learners and to be involved in decisions pertaining to not only for designing courses but even on the procurement of technology that are to be used for instructors. I feel the most surprising revelation I had was from Rieber’s article, “The Proper Way to Become an Instructional Technologist,” was there isn’t a proper roadmap to moving into the field of instructional design and technology. I’ll admit, I was a bit intimidated in the beginning as I was learning that most of my peers had extensive backgrounds in education. As I spoke to my boss, just in the past week, I expressed my biggest concern has been that even though I am very knowledgeable in technology and I love learning, I know the biggest area that I’m lacking is how to apply technology in an instructional setting. I have heard the word pedagogy so many times since I started, but never considered learning more about it, until about a year ago.
I thoroughly enjoy interacting with the case with assignments and learning more about them, but more importantly, I’m more at ease knowing that we are all learning and that our different background that help each other learn. I have no doubts that this class and the program as a whole will allow me to effectively contribute to my department and being able to fully support my faculty.