Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment. Inclusion by Design: Equality, Diversity and the Built Environment. N.p.: Trondheid : Tapir Akademisk Forlag, 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2016
As the title of the article states, the main topic covered in this piece deals with how the built environment can be design to include people who are often left out. However, before it begins to offer its own solutions and ideas for a more inclusively designed built environment, the article goes over all the ways the design of a built environment can go wrong. From cultural minorities, the disabled/handicapped, women, the poor, and the LGBT community, the article points out just how a built environment, weather public or private can be designed without these groups in mind. Although for the most part unintentional, these groups can suffer greatly from being left out in this form. After going over the problems with “exclusion by design” the article goes into a a wide range of solutions which can lead those in charge of designing built spaces in the right direction.
What stood out most for me in this piece was that along with a detailed analysis of the consequences of neglecting the inclusion of minority groups in the process of building an environment, the article also had solutions so that this does not happen. Although some of them seemed broad and a little repetitive, it makes sense to leave it that way because the article is addressing a broad audience and the topic itself is broad. Overall, the message of this article is one with which agrees with my choice thesis of why the built environment is such an important mechanism that can be used to better our society but at the same time, has the potential to keep it divided.