the histories of our streets

Georgia State University students map Atlanta's past

Author: Josh Farmer

Jewish Educational Alliance

The area of Summerhill between Capitol Avenue and Woodward Avenue was mostly residential homes and apartments. However, one building that stands out is the Jewish Educational Alliance that was built in 1911. This building was meant to serve the community and a place where everyone could gather. Most of the residents in the area were Jewish, so they could go to services on Sunday and also bring their kids to kindergarten there as well. The facility also had a gymnasium (presumably for the daycare/kindergarten) and an on-site health facility that would also serve residents.

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Centennial Olympic Park

Centennial Olympic Park is one of my favorite parts about Downtown Atlanta. Nestled in the heart of the city, this park is absolutely beautiful. This place is so special to me because it represents peacefulness and quietness. As I take my weekly stroll throughout the park, I feel like I’m in a totally different environment than the loud and aggressive environment a few city blocks away. I see families laughing, kids rolling around in the grass, and everyone just enjoying a beautiful day in the city of Atlanta.

Another thing this park represents is its history. Built in 1996 for the Centennial Summer Olympic games, it shows just how much Atlanta has become a world-class city. It’s so cool to walk a few city blocks and enter a space that has been visited by millions of people all over the globe by not just the 1996 Summer Games but currently today. The park is connected to Atlanta’s best attractions, including the World of Coca-Cola and the Georgia Aquarium. It also hosts Atlanta’s massive events, including the NFL experience for Super Bowl LIII in 2019. As a visitor during Super Bowl week, it was amazing to see so many fans visiting this park from all over the world.

Lastly, this park represents how much Atlanta has grown over the past thirty years. As I see the Midtown skyline, I catch a glimpse of all the construction and tall buildings being built. I see all of the commercial development that has surrounded the park in the last few years including the Wyndham hotel and the Sky view Ferris wheel. This park has given both locals and tourists a place to rewind, relax, and be reminded of Atlanta’s legacy.

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