
Welcome to the website for the Herndon Human Rights Initiative at the Georgia State University Honors College.

The Herndon Human Rights Initiative is sponsored by a generous gift from the Rich Foundation. Together, Sarah L. Cook, PhD., Professor and Associate Dean of the Honors College, Karcheik Sims-Alvarado, PhD., Historian and CEO, Preserve Black Atlanta, and Dean Baker, City Saga founder, have been leading seminar courses on the legacy of Alonzo F. and Norris B. Herndon. Their students are working to honor the civil and human rights achievements of Alonzo Herndon and his son Norris, as well as many others who are less recognized for their courage and persistence.

This website includes information about the Herndon family as well as reports on student projects for the initiative. It will include a blog featuring the latest updates, individual project pages, and a gallery of images related to the Herndons and the initiative.