Reflection on Club Atlético

Club Atlético, buried under a highway in Buenos Aires, was never an athletic club at all: it was a euphemistically named secret torture site, one of many around Argentina. It was formerly the basement of a police building. Like many others, it displayed photos of its victims who never returned home. At first, you are overwhelmed by the wall of faces, but then your eyes begin to settle on individual people. There was another installation involving only names, but I find that the photos tell the people’s stories and humanize them in a unique way. This site also had objects left behind when the site was abandoned, which made what happened feel more concrete. Something else that I thought was important was that it included a map showing the United States’ role in installing dictators not just in Argentina but across Latin America through Plan Condor. This is not just Argentina’s history but U.S. History and needs to be taught and understood in the U.S. as well. I don’t believe many Americans know about this at all, and I only learned about it later on in high school, in a specific Latin American history class. While I’m glad I was taught about it, it was interesting it only came up in Latin American history and not U.S. history. We claim to be about freedom and democracy, yet have installed dictators all over the world to further our interests. This is yet another example of why it is important not to whitewash history, and why the latest attacks on education in the U.S. are so harmful. We have discussed how not all schools in Argentina teach about human rights, though they’re supposed to, but at the same time Black history, anything LGBTQ related and even a variety of books are being banned in parts of our own country. It’s important to learn about human rights issues across the world, but we must remember they are not something that happen solely in other countries, unrelated to us.

3 thoughts on “Reflection on Club Atlético

  1. I completely agree with your understanding of human rights, and also see some of the same things as important. The main point that stuck with me was you saying that it is important for people to understanding the human right issues that doesn’t just pertain til their country but nation wide. Simply because you never know when it might happen again and it is always nice to be informed for the greater good also it raises awareness.

  2. “We claim to be about freedom and democracy, yet have installed dictators all over the world to further our interests.” I love this. I agree with your post completely. The United States has a good way of pretending that social issues don’t exist. Despite our giant poverty gap, drug issues, incarceration, and mass shooting, people in power refuse to acknowledge them as anything but institutional. Instead it’s not working hard enough, mental health, being a criminal just for the hell of it, not working hard enough…etc. Of course it is white cisgender people who spew this rhetoric. Teaching younger generations our institutional history of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc is paramount to social change.

  3. Hey Mia,
    I agree with you that there should be more teachings about the issues that the U.S had their hands in. We are blinded by the lies that they continue to teach us. Change will only occur when we begin to learn and rewrite history so that the future generations don’t have to be left in the blind like we were.

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