This picture is not what it seems. It is a picture of the room inside of D2 that contains all the photographs of the victims. (See the faces on the door.) However, it is shot through the glass window which is reflecting the church across el Pasaje Santa Caterina. The overpowering image of the church mimics the influence of the church in Argentina at the time. How complicit was the Church? Surely the clergy had to know about these atrocities since they were happening literally next door. Surely parishioners would have confided in them and asked for help. Could they have done anything about it? Did they help in the inquisition? How do they deal with their guilt?
In E. Hammer’s Remembering the Disappeared: Science Fiction Film in Post-Dictatorship Argentina the theme of institutional Catholicism’s complicity with the dictatorship is addressed in sci-fi movies Man Facing Southeast and K-Pax. And, although Hammer’s article was about several science fiction films, it mentions that this theme is also present in La historia oficial which was not sci-fi. (It also references an article that Fernando wrote in Latin American Literary Review on another subject).
One thing we can learn from this experience of abuse is that if you think something is wrong, you need to try to do something about it no matter what those who should be leading and protecting you are doing. Do the right thing at the right time for the right reason.
It was striking to see the juxtaposition between D2 and the Church. The complicity of so many in Argentina is certainly concerning, and I think it’s a good reflection on how fear can influence thought and action (or non-action).