Rights Denied

The prologue of Nunca Mas lists some basic human rights – the right to life, the right to security of person, the right to a trial, the right not to suffer either inhuman conditions of detention, denial of justice , or summary execution.  Every day, we enjoy all of these rights.  The disappeared enjoyed none of them.

Another right that isn’t mentioned above is the right to property.  In Cortazar’s short story House taken over, two women move into smaller and smaller quarters in the house they love until they are finally forced out into the streets.  They never see their invaders, but they hear them coming and they fear for their safety.  The lose their property and they also lose their right to security of person.


One thought on “Rights Denied

  1. Hello, I think this is an excellent observation. Others are often denied the very rights that we take for granted.Not only did the disappeared not have the opportunity to enjoy these rights their loved ones also suffered in ways that we could not imagine.

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