La Perla .. The Pearl or is it ?

I got a chance to visit La Perla detention center. How weird for a name of a place where many went missing, were tortured and/or  “transferred” to their final resting place?  As I walked through each building I could feel the energy throughout the rooms. The main offices were closed due to investigations still taking place. There is a possibility that blood stains from the walls of these rooms could provide more evidence for these crimes against humanity. It was interesting to learn that victims didn’t need much other than a full description of the place for their testimony to stand in court. We learned about a lady who counted each step she took while being blindfolded in the barrack, and that alone helped prove that she had been placed in this horrendous place.

. The countryside beside the torture room is where many people were taken to be shot in the head. Mass graves should be present but nothing not even the bones of one person was found. This has me thinking that the military must’ve known that they were being investigated and went to extremes to get rid of their evidence of genocide. As stated in ‘Argentina’s Missing Bones’, despite suspicion of a mass grave near the La Perla detention center, the EAAF has failed to locate such remains. Rumors are that military workers dug all the bones up and crushed them into a powder so that none of the remains could be traced. I was shocked to hear that people would go to these lengths to cover up their wrongdoings. The families are still dealing with the hurt of not knowing where the remains of their missing loved ones are. There is a lot of evidence still being held from the community that could better assist these families in their healing journey. NO JUSTICE, MEANS NO PEACE! 

One thought on “La Perla .. The Pearl or is it ?

  1. You mentioned the lady who counted her steps. It made me wonder if I would have the presence of mind to do such a simple thing. I believe that I would be too afraid to do anything that would later be important.

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