Memoria Verdad Justicia ( Memory Truth Justice)

This is a memorial in the city of Córdoba. The significance of this memorial is that during the 1960-70s there was no county jail for women. Here is where many militant women were placed illegally without prosecution. The women pictured with the help of other prisoners were able to escape, during a show that was performed to distract the nuns who kept watch over them. Although they managed to escape all were captured within months and murdered by military guards. We can preserve the memory of human rights to ensure they don’t happen again, by remembering the names of each and every woman that was captured, tortured, and murdered for demanding more from the system. As stated in ‘Sites of Memory”, memorials are used to reverse the demobilizing and disintegrating effects of state terror and for fostering social practices that may help to heal the damaged social fabric. In return having such sites will promote peace, memory, truth, and justice for all those impacted by the Dirty War.

The “SAY HER NAME”  movement was created in response to the police brutality against black women, but is the same movement needed for the women of this crime!

Let us NEVER forget to say their names:

Nora Melani 10/04/76

Rosa Novillo Corvalan 05/1976

Ana Vilma Moreno de Aguero 07/10/76

Helena Marie Harriague 12/1976

Alicia Raquel D’ambra 12/07/197

Liendo Ana Maria 12/23/1975

Sonia Alicia Blesa 5/15/77

Susana Cristina Avila Alfaro 1/06/1976


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