The Global Engagement Matrix

Promote Students’ Global Awareness 
and Engage Students in Global Learning Experiences

The Global Engagement Learning Matrix

Short Prep – Low Impact Activities

These global engagement activities can be prepared in a relatively short time frame — 30 minutes or less. While their global engagement quotient is low, these activities do an excellent job of introducing students to global content and themes. These activities are perfect for instructors who want to spark students’ curiosity and interest about the world beyond the horizon.

Short Prep – High Impact Activities

While these global activities require minimal prep time, they score higher on the global engagement scale than their short prep – low impact counterparts. These activities help bridge the gap from emergent global awareness to deeper global engagement and intercultural competence. For instructors looking for an easy route to raising their learners’ global competency, these activities will serve them well.

Extensive Prep – Low Impact Activities

These activities require more prep time than their short prep – low global engagement counterparts. However, the pay off is that while the global engagement impact of these learning activities is relatively low,  their cognitive value is relatively high. These activities are perfect for instructors who are willing to invest a little extra time to create memorable, globally engaging learning experiences for their students.

Extensive Prep – High Impact Activities

These deeply engaging activities have the power to transform your students’ lives. Do they require a significant time commitment? Yes. Do they expose students to memorable, life-enhancing experiences? Yes. Are they worth the effort? Most definitely! If you’re the kind of teacher who wants to make a lasting impact on your students, then you will definitely want to indulge in further exploration of these activities. Please reach out to us with questions or comments. We would be honored to support you in your efforts to be the force of global engagement in your students’ lives.

A Teaching
and Learning Community

Please join us in our quest to create deeply engaging and meaningful global learning experiences for our students. We value your input, insights, and creativity. We look forward to seeing you on ________.

Engage Your Students


“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” 

- Chinese Proverb

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