Extensive Prep – High Impact Activities

Promote Students’ Global Awareness
and Engage Students in Global Learning Experiences

List of Activities

  1. organize
    • a semester-long service learning project like collecting textbooks for African Universities while learning about global issues related to the Global South (developing nations).

  2. exchange
    • video conversations with students in another country where language is shared for part of the time, and culture for another part. 

  3. provide
      • opportunity and materials (tools & blueprints) to build trébuchet, make ink from gall, craft a quill pen, practice medieval script.

  4. teach
    • Continental vs. American Knitting (or any type of culturally significant craft) and tie what students create to a service learning project. 

  5. research
    • and practice Mindfulness Around the Globe. 

  6. schedule
    • and hold virtual coffee hours with cross-cultural/intercultural language and cultural groups. For example, Video Pals.

  7. plan
    • and lead a trip St. Martin, Evangeline or Vermillion parish for some Cajun language & culture. If possible, include service learning.

  8. design
    • and lead a study abroad program.

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