Extensive Prep – Low Impact Activities

Promote Students’ Global Awareness
and Engage Students in Global Learning Experiences

List of Activities

  1. arrange
    • a speaker or guest lecturer for your class.

  2. organize
    • a week-long, campus-wide intercultural event. For example, Japan Week. This type of event requires extensive planning, especially for the primary organizer, and really falls more into the mid-range in terms of student engagement.

  3. prepare
      • regional foods to share with students.

  4. participate
    • in a social learning via video exchange and/or video discussion (synchronous or asynchronous) with learners at an international school or university. Recommended tech: Flipgrid, Voicethread, Google Hangouts.

  5. feature
    • target-language music/videos into class.

  6. create
    • an International House Hunters presentation in-class project. Typically, this project takes 3-5 days of class. Students work in groups to explore housing via real life real estate web sites. There is an investigative and presenting component. The objective is to present two viable housing options to an assigned “character” (with a specific profile). In addition to rich target language exposure, students become familiar with the geography, economics and housing options in various international cities. Student activate critical thinking skills in order to discern which housing options to present to the assigned “character”.


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