See below for a list of citations for recent publications from members of our lab (lab member names in bold). If you’d like access to any of these manuscripts, please contact Dr. Gabe Kuperminc at
Whitaker, D. J., Koreis, J., Weeks, E. A., Rao, N., Self-Brown, S., & O’Connor, M. H. (2025). Migratory and psychosocial predictors of child emotional and physical health among a sample of refugee mothers. Child Protection and Practice, 100099.
Arce, M.A. & Kuperminc, G. (2024). Development and initial validation of the immigrant optimism questionnaire (IOQ) for immigrant-origin youth. Journal of Community Psychology.
Arce, M.A., Bañales, J., & Kuperminc, G.P. (2024). Incorporating immigrant optimism into critical consciousness and civic development models: An integrative review and framework of civic action among immigrant youth of color in the U.S. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Freire, K., Kuperminc, G., Vo, L., Kidder, D., & Zorland, J. (2023). Evaluation of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Evaluation Fellowship Program. Public Health Reports, 139, 309-316.
Pimentel, E. C., Delbasso, C. A., & Kuperminc, G. P. (2023). Acculturative stress and psychological distress among Latinx youth: Moderating role of family cohesion and conflict. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 43, 1071-1096.
Macías, R.L., Nava, N., Beschel, J.N., Delgadillo, D., & Kuperminc, G.P. (2023). Finding voice in a year of collective trauma: Virtual adaptation of Photovoice to engage BIPOC youth in action research. American Journal of Community Psychology, 71, 114-122
Arce, M. A., Chan, W. Y., Swartout, K. M., & Latzman, R. D. (in press). Exploring the Contribution of Racially Based Harassment and Personality to Variation in Native and American Identity in Immigrant-origin Youth. Self and Identity.
Davis, R. C., Arce, M. A., Tobin, K. E., Palumbo, I. M., Chmielewski, M., Megreya, A. M., & Latzman, R. D. (2022). Testing Measurement Invariance of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) in American and Arab University Students. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 20, 874–887.
Joseph, H.L. & Kuperminc, G.P. (2022). Peer influence in group mentoring: A source of peer contagion or prosocial behavior change? Journal of Community Psychology, 50, 1224-1237.
Seitz, S.R., Khatib, N., Guessous, O., & Kuperminc, G.P. (2022). Academic outcomes in a national afterschool program: The role of program quality and youth sustained engagement. Applied Developmental Science, 26, 766–784.
Evans, C., Moore, R., Henrich, C., Kuperminc, G. (2021). Youth Perspectives on Virtual Afterschool Programming During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Youth Development.
Hale, K.E. & Kuperminc, G.P. (2021). Associations between multiple dimensions of acculturation and psychological distress among Latinx youth from immigrant families. Youth and Society, 35, 342-368.
Joseph, H.L. & Kuperminc, G.P. (2021). Peer influence in group mentoring: A source of peer contagion or prosocial behavior change? Journal of Community Psychology. Advance online publication.
Seitz, S.R., Khatib, N., Guessous, O., & Kuperminc, G.P. (2021). Academic outcomes in a national afterschool program: The role of program quality and youth sustained engagement. Applied Developmental Science, 1–19.
Arce, M. A., Kumar, J. L., Kuperminc, G., Roche, K. M. (2020). Tenemos que ser la voz”: Exploring resilience among Latina/o immigrants in the context of restrictive immigration policies and practices.International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Arce, M.A., Snook, D., Joseph, H., Halmos, M., & Kuperminc, G. (2020). From Theory to Practice: Forging a Collaborative Evaluation Strategy for a Culturally-Informed Domestic Violence Initiative. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice.
Berardi, L., Sanchez, B., & Kuperminc, G.P. (2020). Predictors of natural mentoring relationship and students’ adjustment to college. Journal of Community Psychology, 48, 525-544. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.22269
Chan, W.Y., Kuperminc, G.P., Seitz, S., Wilson, C., & Khatib, N. (2020). School-based group mentoring and academic outcomes in vulnerable high school students. Youth and Society, 52, 1220-1237.
Faust, L. & Kuperminc, G.P. (2020). Psychological needs fulfillment and engagement in afterschool: A thematic analysis. Journal of Adolescent Research, 35, 201-224.
Hale, K.E. & Kuperminc, G.P. (2020). Associations between multiple dimensions of acculturation and psychological distress among Latinx youth from immigrant families. Youth and Society. Advance online publication.
Joseph, H.L. & Kuperminc, G.P. (2020). Bridging the siloed fields to address shared risk for violence: Building an integrated intervention model to prevent bullying and teen dating violence. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 55.
Kuperminc, G.P., Chan, W. Y., Hale, K.E., Joseph, H.L., & Delbasso, C.A. (2020). The role of school‐based group mentoring in promoting resilience among vulnerable high school students. American Journal of Community Psychology.
Roche, K.M., White, R.M.B., Lambert, S.F., Schulenberg, J., Calzada, E.H., Kuperminc, G.P., & Little, T.D. (2020). Family member immigration detention or deportation and U.S. Latino/a adolescent risks of suicidal ideation, alcohol use, and externalizing problems. JAMA Pediatrics. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.0014
Roche, K.M., Vaquera, E., Delbasso, C., Kuperminc, G.P., Cordon, M., & Rivera, (2020). Worry, behavior change, and daily adversity: How U.S. Latino/a parents experience contemporary immigration actions and news. Journal of Family Issues, 41, 1546-1568.
Kuperminc, G., Seitz, S., Joseph, H., Khatib, N., Wilson, C., Collins, K., Guessous, O. (2019). Enhancing Program Quality in a National Sample of After-School Settings: The Role of Youth-Staff Interactions and Staff/Organizational Functioning. American Journal of Community Psychology, 63, 391-404.
Chan, W.Y., Kuperminc, G.P., Seitz, S., Wilson, C., & Khatib, N. (2019). School-based group mentoring and academic outcomes in vulnerable high school students. Youth and Society. doi/10.1177/0044118X1986483
Faust, L. & Kuperminc, G.P. (2019). Psychological needs fulfillment and engagement in afterschool: A thematic analysis. Journal of Adolescent Research.
Roche, K.M., White, R.M.B., Kuperminc, G.P., Lambert, S.F., Calzada, E.J., Schulenberg, J.E., & Little, T.D. (2019). Autonomy-related parenting processes and adolescent adjustment in Latinx immigrant families. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.
Sugarman, D., Nation, M., Yuan, N., Kuperminc, G., Ayoub, L.H., and Hamby, S. (2018). Hate and violence: Addressing discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Introduction to Special Issue, Psychology of Violence, 8, 649-656.
Prior Years
Wilson, C., Seitz, S., Broomfield-Massey, K., Whitehead, L., Mangia, J., & Kuperminc, G. (2017). “It’s more like we want to come to this”: Qualitative Analysis of Factors Contributing to Program Engagement in a Sexual Health Youth Leadership Council. Journal of Youth Development, 12, (3), 37-49.
Kuperminc, G., Chan, W., Seitz, S., & Wilson, C. (2017). Infusing Community Psychology Practice Competencies into Doctoral Training. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 7, (4), 1-24.
Duggins, S. D., Kuperminc, G. P., Henrich, C. C., Smalls-Glover, C., & Perilla, J. L. (2015). Aggression Among Adolescent Victims of School Bullying: Protective Roles of Family and School Connectedness. Psychology of Violence. Advance online publication.
Thomason, J. D., & Kuperminc, G. (2014). Cool Girls, Inc. and Self-Concept The Role of Social Capital. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 34(6), 816-836.
Barrett, A.N., Kuperminc, G.P., and Lewis, K. (2013).Acculturative stress and gang involvement among Latinos: U.S.-born versus immigrant youth. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 35, 370 – 389. DOI 10.1177/0739986313488086