Resilient Georgia: The project evaluates a statewide initiative to enhance mental health and resilience across Georgia by measuring outcomes, identifying best practices, and providing data-driven recommendations to maximize community impact.
SMART Moves: This project evaluated the Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s SMART Moves program, focusing on youth in grades 3–8 during the 2021–2022 school year. The evaluation assessed the program’s potential benefits, implementation fidelity, and areas for improvement through experimental and quasi-experimental designs. Data collection included youth surveys, facilitator feedback, attendance records, and focus groups. The study explored social-emotional learning, health beliefs, and the program’s relevance, engagement, and acceptability to youth and facilitators.
LINKING COMMUNITY AND FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS TO ADOLESCENT ADJUSTMENT: A research project designed to study the connections between immigrant community/family characteristics and Latino youth behavioral & psychological outcomes
GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: A partnership with the Georgia Department of Education to conduct a statewide evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers
HUMAN RIGHTS IN ARGENTINA: Dr. Kuperminc directs a study abroad program to Cordoba and Buenos Aires, Argentina each summer. Students spend and exciting 2 1/2 weeks learning about Argentina’s transition from dictatorship to democracy after undergoing the most traumatic period in its history: the military dictatorship in which 30,000 people were abducted, tortured, and killed in secret detention places. Dr. Kuperminc and a few graduate students are studying this program’s effect on participants’ sociopolitical development and global awareness.