Dagny and I got some time to know each other the past few days by email and texting back and forth, we started talking about many themes about each other and who we were as college students. Dangy was born in New York but she grew up in Georgia. She is a senior at Milton high school furthermore in her high school she participated heavily in theatre for 2 years as well as she was in Milton’s cirque program.
When I asked what her career goal was, she said that she wanted to be a zoologist/animal behaviorist, therefore I asked what was her inspiration/influence. Her response was that professionally her biggest influence in the zoology field is Steve Irwin. But in her personal life was her grandma. She is often very busy during the majority of the days but even if she is busy she finds time to do her schoolwork. Her determination and her passion about her goal and dreams is so high that you can even imagine what she is capable of doing when she decides to pursue her goals.
When we were doing the interview I asked her what was her biggest struggle in an educational environment, she said that her struggle is that she has a hard time asking the teacher’s for help and communicating with her peers. After she told me that I asked her if she thinks this problem can affect her goals or dreams, she responded that she is trying to improve herself in school and outside of school. This shows me that even though she is having trouble, her determination is bigger than her trouble, and thanks to that she makes me realize that I am not doing my best during this past year and that I need to improve myself no matter what trouble I have in the future or now.
After learning about Dagny, I understood that determination and passion can get you to your dreams. even if you have trouble or you don’t have time, Dagny is able to see her problem and try to overcome the problem no matter what the problem is. Even though people think that young people can be impulsive or that they are reckless just because they are young and they don’t think of the consequence. I believe that Dagny has a very clear goal that she wants to accomplish no matter what her obstacles are.
Hello Dagny,
My name is Sheila. My granddaughter is 8 yrs, she also loves animals. This Christmas I asked her what she wanted and can you believe she sais a Rooster. LOL I said how will you take care of it, she said ” I would feed it and take it for walks on a string everyday.” Her birthday is coming up and now she wants to go to Africa. SHe believes that there is a real Lion Safari there.
I also want to commend you for being so focused on your dreams. It is so awesome to see young people taking all all the challenges of the world around them and still pushing through.
Good luck in your endeavors,
Like Dagny I struggled with seeking out help, it can kind of be a little startling to admit you don’t grasp something. It’s definitely something you have to actively work on. I relate with the idea of her determination being larger than her problems, that’s really profound. I think that’s an honest way to compartmentalize academic hurdles. It’s amazing how people we see in media can influence us to the careers we want for ourselves. Seeing Steve Irwin allowed an idea for a eventual career, I find that to be really awesome.
it was interesting to read her profile, I can see how determined she is to reach his goals. I also struggle to get help from my professors and I know it is not easy to overcome this problem, but after reading how passionate dagny is, I believe she will be able to improve this issue.
I definitely agree that it is a struggle to connect with peers or professors due to the disconnections of online schoolwork. This is the first assignment I’ve done in an online class that allowed me to talk with other peers outside of a discussion board, and help me to understand how college work so for me it was very helpful.
I have always been indpendent even when we had an option of group work. I have struggled to fins someone to connect to so virtual classes have not made it any better. I believe its forced me to open up and make those connections. This has been an eye opener for me. Discussion boards make me more comfortable in expressing my opinion about certain complex situations and topics.