General Participation

Midterm Reflection



When I first signed up for this class, I thought it was going to be  like the English class that I took last semester, but just more difficult. I thought that the entire semester we would just write a papers, do peer review, revise them, and turn in a final draft, because that was the type of writing that I was used to. The approach to writing in this class is actually more inspiring, because it allows me to be creative. There is not just one set format that I have to go by and that is what makes the difference in my writing. Doing my assignments as blog posts, makes the writing environment seem less strict and it gives me more freedom in my writing to express myself in the way that I want to do it. I like that I can add visuals to my posts, such as images and videos. A problem that I often find myself facing is having an image in my mind but not fully knowing how to make the person reading my work understand the image that I am trying to describe. With blog posts, it helps to be able to put a visual to what I am trying to explain.

There is also less pressure on me when I am posting and submitting my work because I know I have the opportunity to improve my work, based on the feedback I receive. In some of my English classes in the past, there were no second chances when it came to submitting work. The grade you received was the grade you had to keep and I never liked that policy. I have also been in classes where you turn in the paper and never see it again, with no feedback at all. I think that it is good to receive feedback and have that opportunity to better my writing, because nothing is ever perfect the first time. There is always room for improvement and I believe we should be given that second chance.

As a writer, I believe I am good at taking criticism and making improvements. I want to be able to do more revising my work in this class. That is one of the extra credit activities that I want to be able to do. The main reason why I am unable to submit revisions is , I am having trouble balancing the work for all of my other class combined with this class. In my other classes, I also write a lot, so it’s very time consuming to do some of the extra work sometimes,even though I want to. I think the reading quizzes are a good opportunity for me to earn the extra points because it takes less time. I have noticed that, I do not put enough time into some of the assignments for this class sometimes and that is something that I want to improve on, because I know that this class is just as important the other ones I have.

Now that I have done the assignments for unit one, I know what to expect, so I will try to complete the assignments way ahead of time before my other classes get in the way and things get hectic with my homework schedule. I am also going to work on my time management so that I can do more extra points activities, because they will be very helpful to my grade in this class and my writing skills.

“Ethics of Collecting Sources and Assets”- Things to Think About When Doing Research

      1. Copyright Copyright_symbol_9
        1. pay attention to the copy rights because of the background info of the source.
        2. Make sure you cite your sources
      2. Fair-use
        1. Not taking everything from the source
        2. Using the source for the purpose of gaining information
      3. Permission
        1. Make sure you can use the source
          1. Contact the person that has provided the source to make sure you can use it
        2. Taking pictures of people
          1. Make sure you have their consent
      4. Creative Commons


        1. Non-profit organization that gives authors control over how their work is used
        2. It also lets you license your own work after you have completed a project

Source: Arola, Kristin L., Cheryl E. Ball, and Jennifer Sheppard. Writer/designer: A guide to making multi-modal projects. Macmillan Higher Education, 2014.


BY: Destiny, Nancy, and Shakira

Key Word Search Terms



Here are some of the key words I used to search in the library database and Google Scholar:

  • “Woodruff park” and “history
  • “Woodruff park” and “homeless”
  • “Homeless in Atlanta” and “Woodruff Park”
  • “Homeless in urban parks”

Library Resources

Library North 4th Floor

Library North 4th Floor   Jaret, Charles., Robert M. Adelman, Research Atlanta (Firm), and Georgia State University. Policy Research Center. Homelessness in Metro Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga.: Research Atlanta, 1997. Print.

Library North 4th Floor Webb, Philip. Homeless Lives in American Cities: Interrogating Myth and Locating Community. First edition. 2014. Print.

Library North 4th Floor
Webb, Philip. Homeless Lives in American Cities: Interrogating Myth and Locating Community. First edition. 2014. Print.

Zotero: Works Cited

Badertscher, Kc. “Building for the Arts: The Strategic Design of Cultural Facilities.” VOLUNTAS 26.2 (2015): 724–725. Print.
Cahn, Elizabeth. “Project Space(s) in the Design Professions: An Intersectional Feminist Study of the Women’s School of Planning and Architecture (1974-1981).” Doctoral Dissertations May 2014 – current (2014): n. pag. Web.
Fagan, C, and D Trudeau. “Empowerment by Design? Women’s Use of New Urbanist Neighborhoods in Suburbia.” JOURNAL OF PLANNING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH 34.3 (2014): 325–338. Print.
Hankins, Katherine B., Robert Cochran, and Kate Driscoll Derickson. “Making Space, Making Race: Reconstituting White Privilege in Buckhead, Atlanta.” N.p., June 2012. Web.
International Business Times. “Occupy Atlanta Protesters Ignore Police Order to Leave Woodruff Park.” International Business Times (2011): n. pag. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.
Kern, L. “From Toxic Wreck to Crunchy Chic: Environmental Gentrification through the Body.” ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D-SOCIETY & SPACE 33.1 (2015): 67–83. Print.
Lasner, Matthew. “Swingsites for Singles.” Places Journal (2014): n. pag. Web. 1 Feb. 2016.
Linton Joaquin. “Basic Facts about In-State Tuition for  Undocumented Immigrant Students.” (2014): 1. Web.
Matloob, Faris Ataallah et al. “Sustaining Campuses through Physical Character–The Role of Landscape.” Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 140 (2014): 282–290. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.
—. “Sustaining Campuses through Physical Character–The Role of Landscape.” Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 140 (2014): 282–290. Web.
“PerimeterCtrVisFarrOpt.pdf.” Web. 4 Feb. 2016.
Such, Al. “Grady Memorial Hospital Settles Over Alleged ADA Violations.” Radio/News Outlet. Wabe. N.p., 1–16 Jan. 2016. Web.
Taylor, Wendell C. et al. “Features of the Built Environment Related to Physical Activity Friendliness and Children’s Obesity and Other Risk Factors.” Public Health Nursing 31.6 (2014): 545–555 11p. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.
“Zotero.” N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.

Built Environment Observation Activity


Objective (Describes experience)

Subjective (Thoughts, analysis, interpretation)

3 Swings (wooden) Makes more people want to sit in the area
2-seater swings Friends have enough room to sit together
It is located in a corner space It’s cozy even though it’s outside
Grass It was muddy
Square tiles in the ground near the swings It would be a good place to put your feet when the grass is muddy after the rain
Trees nearby To provide shade
Hooks on the swing poles Maybe to hang bags (two students that were there used the hooks for that)
Bridge connecting Student Center East and Urban Life
Drain in the ground nearby Good for when it rains
3 light poles Useful at night to keep the area well lit
Swings held up by chains So that the swings can hold the weight of two people
Smells like grass Not a good or bad smell
Sound of vent blowing I liked to have some type of noise in the background and not just silence
2 students talking It’s a nice place to talk and relax with friends

Syllabus Quiz


What are the major projects? In a bulleted list, provide links to the project descriptions for each of them.

  • Reading Summaries (6)|0
  • Annotated Bibliography (10 annotations)|0||annotatedbibs|0
  • Built Environment Descriptions (3, one each for exterior, interior, and digital)|0||annotatedbibs|0||bedescriptions|0
  • Built Environment Analysis (1)|0||annotatedbibs|0||bedescriptions|0||beanalysis|0


How will your final grade be calculated?

  • The grade is calculated based on the point system. You can earn points for everything you do. there is a minimum of 2500 points to get an A in the class

What is the “submission form” and how do you use it?

  • It is the form used for turning in work to receive points

Embed the form below your answer (hint: Google “embed Google form” to find out how).

Embed the course calendar and weekly overview below this question.

Where on the course website can you find an overview of what’s due and the readings for each unit?

  • Go to the Syllabus and course info tab and click on unit overview

What is the best way to see an overview of what’s due each week?

  • The course calendar

What is the attendance policy?

  • You earn 20 points for coming to class and lose 20 points for unexcused absences

What are my office hours, and how do you make an appointment to see me outside of class?

  • Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m., and by appointment

How do you earn participation credit? Provide a link to the instructions/guidelines for particiption.

  • By doing the major projects, coming to class prepared, and missing only 4 class meeting. Also any other extra work that you do can be submitted for points.
  • Participation (link to instructions)

How many points can you earn by participating in or organizing a study group session?

  • up to 25 points

How can you be assured of earning an “A” in this course?

  • Accruing 2,500 points

What are the minimum requirements for earning a passing grade of “C”?

  • If you complete all the major projects, earing at least the minimum amount of points

What do you do if you’re not sure how to document your participation in order to earn points?

  • You can request to meet with the instructor


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