Reitze, Rosie. “Best UCF Campus Spots to Stay Focused after Class.” Central Florida Future. 19 Aug. 2015. Web. 21 Mar. 2016.
The Knights of Central Florida University have at least five popular areas for studying, according to Rosie Reitze. The 1,415 acre campy provides plenty of options for students to study individually or in a group. Their library, which is pretty similar to ours, is listed first. It’s five-story library gets quieter with each level that you go up. Students can reserve study rooms and enjoy food and drinks at the cafĂ©, the Technology Commons is similar to our Digital Aquarium, minus them being able to have drinks. Both Mac and Windows desktops are available in the Tech Commons. There’s also a shop where school supplies are sold. One thing that Central Florida University has that I am slightly envious of is the Reflection Pond. This spot is described as being “a serene spot on campus many students lie in the grass and study.” This area is great for students who enjoy being outdoors while hitting the books. Their Student Union features designated study group areas, dining areas, and conference rooms. And if you’re a crammed like myself, the All Knight Study is the place for you. There are two locations which are open 24 hours, five days a week, complete with computers, study rooms, and couches for your comfort.