Students in Dr. Carmen Eilertson’s Biology 4687/6687 Surgical Anatomy course have been busy this semester creating detailed 3D models of human organs from their cadaveric dissections. Cadaveric dissection is a critical part of medical education, and under the direction of “Dr. E,” even undergraduate biology students at Georgia State gain exposure to human anatomical specimens for learning and research.
Here, undergraduate student Kenya Thrasher scans a human heart using a NextEngine laser scanner in CURVE’s 3D Modeling Lab:
CURVE’s 3D scanners enhance research and learning by enabling students and instructors to convert physical artifacts into 3D digital objects for up-close study and analysis and for sharing with other students and the broader research community. The scanning hardware and software can be used to create virtual models of objects for learning and research across disciplines.
Once their high-resolution scans are complete, Dr. E’s students will be able to zoom in and analyze each organ’s features from multiple angles. As part of this assignment, students will also label the features on each digital model.
Photogrammetry, for the purpose of our work at Georgia State, refers to the use of software to combine, convert, and render 2D images into a 3D object. There are numerous methods for this practice, ranging from a single camera operated by a moving human to complex arrangements with multiple cameras and a movable object. The process can capture a range of objects from extremely large to fairly small. For instance, you might capture an ancient ruin by taking photographs as you walk around the structure. You might also capture a small figurine by taking photos with your camera or phone. The process changes depending on the size of object, the equipment available, and the software used.
In the spring semester, the library and CETL are prototyping a 3D scanning/modeling/printing course, in which students will learn how to fully digitize and replicate a material object in both digital and physical forms. To facilitate their learning, we have acquired a photogrammetry kit that will complement the other equipment we have available in the library.
The kit includes:
One Canon Rebel T5i DSLR camera, with standard 35mm lens
One basic tripod with multi-axis pan and tilt functions
One turntable, modified with degree markings
One wireless camera remote
To test the kit, I selected a small owl figurine. The object is roughly 1.5 x 1.25 x 1.125 inches. I placed the object in the center of the turntable, facing the 0 degree marker. I aimed the camera directly at the object on a level horizontal plane. Using portrait settings, the internal camera flash, and the wireless remote, I took photographs of the object at 15 degree increments, for a total of 24 images. I did not capture the top or bottom of the object for this test. Total time for capture: 20 minutes.
Using Agisoft Photoscan, which is available on four of CURVE‘s workstations, I aligned the photos, generated a cloud of points, created a mesh, and then textured the mesh. I removed some unnecessary details from the model, and then exported as an .obj model. I uploaded the model to SketchFab. Total time for model creation: 20 minutes.
Admittedly, the model lacks some features, such as a true representation of the bottom and top of the figurine. For a quick 40-minute test, however, the kit and software worked very well. For smaller objects, we may need to acquire a macro lens for the camera. The primary use of this equipment will be to train students, which will provide an additional benefit of helping to preserve archival objects and provide access to objects that are fragile or inaccessible.
Congratulations to Dr. Brennan Collins, students, faculty, and staff for putting on a great show on February 15 in CURVE, celebrating the work of GSU Student Innovation Fellows (SIFs). The Student Innovation Fellowship Program allows students to develop expertise and share ideas around emerging technologies and instructional innovations, with particular attention to enhancing learning and research at Georgia State through the innovative use of technology.
Attendees, around 50 in all, where invited to:
Try on an Oculus Rift and experience 1927 Atlanta in Virtual Reality
The Library recently hired Spencer Roberts to provide consultation and support for digital projects, research, and publication. Conveniently located in CURVE on the 2nd floor of Library South, Spencer’s office is open to faculty, students, and staff who have questions about what’s possible with digital scholarship, have ideas about digital projects, or would like support for an existing project. Anyone seeking a partnership with the Library on a digital project can schedule an appointment or drop in to discuss opportunities.
Digital project consultation can include topics such as funding, planning, assessment, publishing, research methods, resource management, user testing, web hosting, and training.
Below is a partial list of digital methods and tools for which Spencer can provide support and training. If you have specific interest in a new tool or method not shown here, contact Spencer to discuss how we might expand our list and learn together.
Audio editing (Audacity)
Web mapping (Carto, Neatline, StoryMapJS)
Text analysis (Voyant, R, Python)
Data analysis (Excel, R, Python, Plotly)
Oral history (Oral History Metadata Syncronizer)
Web publishing and exhibits (WordPress, PressForward, Scalar, Omeka, TimelineJS, Juxtapose,, MediaWiki)