
For Students:

Georgia State University Library Search – This is your first stop for finding peer reviewed journal articles to use to develop your ethos as academic researchers and writers.

The Oxford English Dictionary – This is the official record of the English language, which is the only dictionary you should use for definitions in this class. Log in with your Panther ID and password. Make sure to consult whatever style guide you choose for how to cite a dictionary correctly.

Purdue Online Writing Lab – This site, owned and operated by Purdue University’s writing lab, gives the basic tenets of MLA, APA, and Chicago citation styles. This is a valuable source for finding how to cite any source. If you cannot find your answer here, consult the appropriate Style Guide or your professor for help.

GSU Sites – This is where you can start looking at developing a site for the Digital Portfolio. The blogs here are WordPress blogs hosted by GSU, but you are welcome to use another online service, including one you have already developed, as long as it can be shared with me and other students easily.

Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives  – This collection of literacy narratives demonstrates the critical attention scholars are paying to this form of writing in addition to providing multiple examples about a number of literacy-related issues. Come here for inspiration and considering submitting your literacy narrative at the end of the semester!

The Signal – This student-run independent newspaper allows your creative talents (writing, photography, design, and even video work) to have a clear audience and purpose. If you are looking to enhance your college experience or pad your resume for job searches, consider being a freelance content contributor or ask about staff positions. You get as much out of your college life as you put in!

For Colleagues:

Sweetland’s Digital Rhetoric Collaborative – This site offers multiple views and opinions on a number of topics within the realm of rhetoric and composition. My first encounter with them was when a mentor at UAH suggested I submit a proposal for their blog carnival on multi-lingual/multi-modal classrooms. I have since kept up with them, learning more about the field of rhet/comp and praxis in the composition classroom.

Ernst Bloch – To understand my passion for utopian studies, you must first learn about a prolific utopian theorist who is, sadly, often simply an occluded voice. While I know Wikipedia is not an academic source, this serves as one of the most popular conversations about this enigmatic cultural critic, and the Further Reading offers several rich sources, especially Vincent Geoghegan’s 1996 biography and Peter Thompson’s work with Slavoj Zizek on Privatization of Hope.

College Composition and Communication – This is the holy grail of rhetoric and composition. While I am still acclimatizing myself to the field, this source proves an inspiration and aspiration.

One thought on “Resources

  1. Hi Charles. I’m stalking the class websites. I like how you included links to things like the OED here. I think it’s more practical than including annotations.

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