- B.A., English, Faulkner University, 2001-05
M.A., English Literature, University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2012-14
Ph.D. candidate, English rhetoric and composition, Georgia State University, 2015-present
- Experience
- Blue Sky College, Nanchang, Jiangxi, PRC 2005-2006
Nanchang University School of Medicine, Nanchang, Jiangxi, PRC 2006-2008
Hengyang Normal College, Hengyang, Hunan, PRC 2008-2009
University of Alabama/Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 2012-2014
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 2015-present - Biography
My research interests lie largely within the realm of utopian studies, but specifically how ideas espoused by thinkers such as Ernst Bloch apply practically for my students, most of whom are first year composition students. Beyond this interest, I am also invested in Grimm Brother fairy and folk tales, Renaissance English literature, Chinese language learning, and community building. In all areas of my life I am seeking to learn how to extend grace in meaningful ways, as I believe grace is foundational to community.
Outside of my academic pursuits, I am a happily married husband and bragging father. We live outside the greater Atlanta area with our two rescue dogs, Darlie and Molly, who complete our little family. I am an active reviewer on Yelp, occasional article author for small publications, and member of the North Point Community.
Contact Me:
Office: 25 Park Place 22nd Floor
Office Hours: MW 9:00-10:00
By appointment via email:
To learn more about my professional life, you can visit my Linked In profile. You can also find my reviews and posts on Twitter.
Presentations and Publications:
“Creating Folk: Antoni’s My Grandmother’s Erotic Folktales and the Grimm Tradition.” Paper accepted to 2016 SAMLA Conference. Jacksonville, FL November 2016.
“‘Content-Less Pandering’: Collaborative Learning Mediated through Wikis.” Paper accepted to 2016 Dartmouth Seminar. Hanover, NH, August 2016.
“Can the Writing Studio Include the Private Tutor?” Paper accepted for SWCA 2016 Conference. Columbus, GA, February 2016.
“Grappling with Grammar: Achieving Inclusivity through Grammatical Discourse in the Writing Center” Panel accepted for SWCA 2016 Conference. Columbus, GA, February 2016
“Writing as Process: Synchronous and Asynchronous Feedback in Remote Tutoring.” Paper published in the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative blog carnival on Digital Writing in K-12 Communities. Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative, October 19, 2015.
“Chinese Zombies in the Composition Classroom” Paper published in the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative blog carnival on MultiModal/MultiLingual Composition Classrooms. Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative, November 20, 2014.
“100 Yards and 200 Years: A Walking Tour of Revolution” Paper presented at the University of Florida English Graduate Organization 2013 Conference. Gainesville, FL, October 2013.
“So Far from Utopia: M.O.M.A.S. as Satirical Utopia” Paper presented at the University of Alabama in Huntsville Graduate Conference 2013. Huntsville, AL, April 2013.