Today Pounce was ready to start our first day of school. I think he beat us all to class. I’m not sure if he was excited to hear from Dr. Perez about how the healthcare system operated on the Dominican Republic, the tour of Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, museum,or his first day of Spanish class, but he was definitely ready with backpack in tow. He told me that today was ¡muy calor! and ¡extremadamente largo! But he had a great time!
On Saturday we spent some time on the beach with a couple of student hosts, Morlina and Emanuel, from the Universidad. Of course the beach was wonderful and I enjoyed having the privilege to be there. But while I was there, I spent some time reflecting to when the beach wasn’t a place to lounge and enjoy, it was a place where people, who looked like me, were brought to the Americas and Caribbean to work as slaves. Santo Domingo was the first stop for the slave trade in the western hemisphere. I couldn’t help but think about all the pain, torture, confusion, death, and fear that they were feeling and going through. How they never saw their families and homes again. I sat in the water and thanked them and showed my appreciation for them. People from across the world come to the D.R. To have a good time and make great memories, but how many of them or us on this study abroad trip took a moment to reflect back to them and imagine the abuse they endured to make the D.R. What it is today? The wonderful food, the music, the dance, the culture? All of it on this island is infused with African culture without a doubt. If no one else took the time to thank our ancestors I did it for them. After my reflection and paying much respect, I enjoyed wading in the water, eating and socializing. Our ride to and from the beach allowed us to see what the D.R. looks like without the protective shield of a resort. For me, it was very humbling. Going to a third world country have always made me realize how blessed I am and this trip is no different. Just think, if my ancestors were dropped off in the D.R. Instead of the U.S. My life would look different. With our without the riches of the world the Dominican people are beautiful, full of life and determination.
Oh, our spot on the beach was right in front of/behind the president’s beach home. Try doing that in the U.S.