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Making a Difference Makes a Difference!

As college students, much of our time is consumed by spending multiple hours in class, doing homework, studying for exams, or working a job. However, it is also important to remember to dedicate some time to helping others and making a difference in your community, which is something that I strive to do regardless of how busy my schedule may be.

Over the summer, I was given the opportunity to volunteer/intern for the Midtown Assistance Center in Atlanta, Georgia. During my time working for this organization, my primary duties involved data entry and operating the food pantry. Because my time was spent doing both hands-on and behind-the-scenes activities, it allowed me to have a better understanding of how assistance organizations operate, as well as how they keep up with the information of the individuals that they serve. However, although I was able to do both data entry and food pantry activities, I feel as if working in the food pantry gave me the most personal relationship with the individuals that I was able to assist.

Although I did not have a great amount of direct contact with many of the clients, simply helping them obtain the food that they needed was a reward in itself. I was responsible for taking the grocery lists that were filled out by the clients and packing grocery bags that consisted of the foods that they asked for. Because many of the people that the organization assists are either homeless or qualifying individuals/families with low income, there is often a great need for grocery assistance whenever their food supply runs low. Being able to help these individuals was an amazing way for me to make a lasting impact on various citizens throughout the community.

As summer came to a close, I was faced with the decision of whether or not I would still be able to volunteer with the Midtown Assistance Center. Since I had more free time over the summer, I was able to take classes while also having time to volunteer. However, since I will be taking a heavier course load in the fall, I was unsure of how much free time I would have; nonetheless, because I enjoy making a difference in my community, no matter how small the action, I made the decision to continue to volunteer with the assistance center.

Want to hear more amazing stories about people who help their community? Check out this article about Lyric Hawkins, recipient of the Future Innovator Scholarship!




Discovering and Building Your Personal Brand

In today’s society, it has become increasingly important for people to promote themselves and their craft, and to also have an established (or nearly established) brand. Whether you are skilled in entrepreneurship, graphic design, or anything in between, it is beneficial to have something that you can promote in order to efficiently network and reap its benefits.

It is also important to have a strong personal brand because it allows you to have a specific goal to work towards. Having a brand allows you to plan, organize, and act upon the different aspects that go into that goal, while also promoting yourself to others so that you and your brand are well known across many different platforms.

Personally, the process of building a brand has helped me establish a stronger sense of confidence about my future and what I want to work towards. At first, I had many career interests but I was not exactly sure of what I wanted my career path to be, but after thoroughly thinking about my true passions, interests, and skills, I found that I am currently drawn towards building my personal brand as a writer and/or editor. Growing up, my favorite subject has always been Language Arts; I enjoyed the attentiveness that was required in order to effectively edit a piece of writing, which is something that many of my peers loathed. Also, I grew increasingly fond of writing and grammar, which has also helped me improve how well I pay attention to details. In addition to my brand reflecting my interest in writing and editing, I am also working towards building my brand so that it reflects my interest in digital media as well.

Currently, one of the main actions that I have taken to build my personal brand is becoming a Digital Marketing Coordinator for StudySoup. Throughout my life, I have almost always kept a tangible journal or physical representation of my writing, but since I want my brand to be focused more towards the digital realm, I knew that it would be best for me to also gain experience with creating content online, which is something that StudySoup has granted me the opportunity to do.

Still not sure of where to start? Check out this article that contains more helpful information regarding creating your own personal brand!

StudySoup Weekly Roundup 07/31/17
This week (07/31/17 – 08/07/17), 1 notetakers at Georgia State University uploaded course material to StudySoup. There were 1 new documents uploaded this week, bringing the total number of Georgia State University study materials on StudySoup up to 3168.
So far, the top 10 most viewed materials that were uploaded this week are:



The top 5 most popular materials from last week are:



And currently, the most popular Georgia State University courses on StudySoup are:



We are making a big push to add more content across the Arts and Humanities, departments. Please refer anyone in the following list of classes to apply to the elite notetaker program.




3 Ways to Make Extra Money While in College

As college students, it may be difficult to find ways to earn money that don’t include the typical campus or restaurant jobs. Although these ways may be the most convenient, it is always good to explore different ways to make extra cash. Here is a short list of alternative ways to make money while in college!

1. Become a Tutor

Do you have a love for biology, math, or any other subject that may be difficult for most students? If you’re comfortable enough, becoming a tutor is a great way for you to help your peers, sharpen your knowledge, and improve your communication skills while also making extra cash!

2. Sell Your Clothes

Another convenient way to make extra cash is by selling old clothing. A lot of us may have a pile of clothes that we’ve either outgrown or simply don’t wear anymore, so why not turn that into extra money in your pocket? If you don’t have the time to organize or participate in a yard sale, try using apps like Depop, Poshmark, or even Ebay to conveniently sell those unused clothes.

3. Participate in Paid Research Experiments 

This particular method of making money is my personal favorite, and one I’ve utilized several times. Many universities offer students the opportunity to participate in paid computerized research experiments to collect data for various research projects. If you’re worried about the confidentiality of these experiments, in most cases the conductors of the experiments will inform you of their confidentiality agreements and notify you of the benefits, as well as the risks (which are virtually none) of the experiment. If your college or university does not offer paid research experiment opportunities to students, try searching for local research centers in your community that may be in need of individuals to participate!

Want  a more personal look into the various ways of making extra cash? Check out this article that shares Alexa Paikowski’s interesting experience of working at a student call center!


StudySoup Weekly Roundup 7/24/17

This week (07/24/17 – 07/31/17), 3 notetakers at Georgia State University uploaded course material to StudySoup. There were 3 new documents uploaded this week, bringing the total number of Georgia State University study materials on StudySoup up to 3168.

So far, the top 5 most viewed materials that were uploaded this week are:

  1. Study Guide – Chemistry
  2. Class Notes – History Of The Americas
  3. Study Guide – Accounting
  4. Study Guide – ACCT 2102
  5. Class Notes – IST 2110

The top 5 most popular materials from last week are:

  1. Study Guide – CHEM 1212
  2. Study Guide – Accounting
  3. Class Notes – IST 2110
  4. Study Guide – ACCT 2102
  5. Class Notes – History Of The Americas

And currently, the most popular Georgia State University courses on StudySoup are:

  1. ACCT 2102
  2. IST 2110
  3. CHEM 1212

We are making a big push to add more content across the History Of The AmericasAccounting, and Chemistry departments. Please refer anyone in the following list of classes to apply to the elite notetaker program.

So Long Summer 2017!

As this summer comes to a close, there is the bittersweet feeling of not wanting it to end but also the anticipation regarding the beginning of a new semester. Some of us may have had a summer that went exactly as planned, while others were faced with a summer that was shockingly different than expected. Personally, my summer fell into the category of being different than what I expected, but it all turned out for the best in the end.

Prior to the beginning of summer, my initial plans were to take summer classes and spend my down-time relaxing or being with friends. However, those plans were altered right before my summer started.

The first thing that occupied the majority of my time throughout this summer was classes. Contrary to many popular opinions of summer classes, I actually enjoyed the courses that I took and the material that was taught. Having the benefit of taking interesting classes took my mind off of the fact that I was in class during a time that is normally spent anywhere but in a classroom. Also, the reward of knowing that I am getting ahead in my studies was another incentive that made me enjoy taking summer classes.

Another way that I spent my time over the summer was by volunteering at the Midtown Assistance Center in downtown Atlanta. A few months before the start of summer, I applied to be a volunteer there because I wanted to spend my time in the city helping others. Although I initially forgot that I had applied for the position, luckily, I was contacted by an employee who further helped me set up my volunteer schedule for the summer. Working at the Midtown Assistance Center has granted me the opportunity to gain knowledge about the behind-the-scenes activities that often occur in order to help the community, and it is an experience that I am grateful to have had.

In addition to volunteering at the Midtown Assistance Center, I also picked up a summer job because who doesn’t like a little extra money to spend? Plus, it’s a great way to meet new people and make memories!

Need a way to avoid boredom before the end of the summer? Check out this article that contains different ways to spend your free time!

StudySoup Weekly Roundup 07/17/17
This week (07/17/17 – 07/24/17), 2 notetakers at Georgia State University uploaded course material to StudySoup. There were 13 new documents uploaded this week, bringing the total number of Georgia State University study materials on StudySoup up to 3164.
So far, the top 10 most viewed materials that were uploaded this week are:



The top 0 most popular materials from last week are:



And currently, the most popular Georgia State University courses on StudySoup are:



We are making a big push to add more content across the PerspectivesMusic, and African Studies departments. Please refer anyone in the following list of classes to apply to the elite notetaker program.




Finding Your Perfect Study Environment

Studying can be a struggle when you’re not sure of what environment works best for you. Both studying with friends and studying alone have their pros and cons, it all just comes down to what your preferences and study habits are. I personally prefer to study by myself as opposed to studying with a group because I feel as if studying by myself allows me to work more efficiently.

Another reason why I prefer to study by myself is because it enables me to work at my own pace. Working with a group can sometimes be strenuous when everyone has their own various schedules and can only meet up for a certain amount of time. When I study by myself, I am able to swiftly go through the materials that I am familiar with, while spending more time on materials that I may not be as familiar with, without having to worry about cutting into the schedules of other individuals.

In addition to working at my own pace, I prefer to study by myself because I can choose where and when to study  based on when it is most convenient for myself. In study groups, there often has to be compromise on where/when to study, so that it meets the needs of the other students involved without conflicting with the activities or priorities that they may have.

One of the main reasons why I often choose to study by myself is because it allows me to accomplish more without being distracted by a group of people. There have been many instances where I would study with a group of friends and although we may have started off on the right track, one mention of something completely irrelevant to the course work can lead to an eternity of discussing things that are not related to the study material.

Not too fond of studying by yourself? Check out this article that highlights the benefits of studying in groups!

StudySoup Weekly Roundup 07/10/17

This week (07/10/17 – 07/17/17), 3 notetakers at Georgia State University uploaded course material to StudySoup. There were 6 new documents uploaded this week, bringing the total number of Georgia State University study materials on StudySoup up to 3150.

So far, the top 6 most viewed materials that were uploaded this week are:

  1. Study Guide – Math
  2. Study Guide – Math
  3. Study Guide – Chemistry
  4. Class Notes – Math
  5. Study Guide – Sociology
  6. Study Guide – Music

The top 5 most popular materials from last week are:

  1. Study Guide – Sociology
  2. Class Notes – MK 4100
  3. Class Notes – MATH 1070
  4. Class Notes – CHEM 2400
  5. Study Guide – MGS 1010

And currently, the most popular Georgia State University courses on StudySoup are:

  1. Elementary Statistics
  2. MGS 1010
  3. MK 4100
  4. CHEM 2400
  5. MATH 1070

We are making a big push to add more content across the MathMusic, and Sociology departments. Please refer anyone in the following list of classes to apply to the elite notetaker program.

8 Things to Do When You’re Stressed

It’s very easy to get overwhelmed when there are a multitude of things that you’re faced with. From school, work, and family, to friendships and even relationships, there’s bound to be one or more factors that can cause a great deal of stress. Luckily, I will be discussing a few things that I do to help alleviate my level of stress – hopefully, these things can help you as well whenever you become stressed!

1. Take a Nap

In many cases, stress occurs due to a lack of rest. Taking a nap can help your body face the signs of stress while also rejuvenating itself back to a more healthy state.

2. Exercise 

Opposite from being stressed due to a lack of sleep, it is also common to become stressed because of a routinized schedule. Performing many of the same tasks day-to-day that do not require much effort can cause your body to become too adjusted to the routine, which can lead to irritability. In order to combat this, I often go to the gym to give my body a break from the tasks that it is familiarized with. I do cardio workouts followed by stretches and other exercises that will help utilize the muscles that are often at rest during my day-to-day activities.

3. Listen to Music

Listening to music is a great way to help your mind deal with stress. Whether it is an upbeat song to lift your spirits or a slow-tempo song to help you relax, music is the way to go when looking for a way to ease your stress.

4. Write

Writing out the things that cause you to stress is effective in that it allows you to not only get a better perspective of what you are dealing with, but it also allows you to come up with solutions to the various factors that are causing you to stress. This is also a good way to cope with stress for those who are not too fond of sharing their problems with others, but still want a way to release their feelings.

5. Clean Your Room/Work Environment

Another factor that can contribute to stress is an unorganized environment. Cleaning your room or work space is not only a great way to reduce stress, but it also contributes to an increased level of productivity.

6. Pamper Yourself

One of the best ways to deal with stress is to take some time to pamper yourself. When stressed, I often like to take a hot bath or shower, followed by applying a face mask and reading a book.

7. Watch a Movie

Watching a movie also ties into pampering yourself to relieve stress. Watching your favorite movie, T.V. show, or even your favorite Youtubers can help relax your mind from the stress you may experience on a daily basis.

8. Breathe

As simple as it sounds, breathing is a great way to deal with stress. Taking a few deep breaths can help you relax and ease your mind, bettering your chance at effectively dealing with stress.

Want to know more ways to manage stress? Check out this article that provides easy, low-cost ways to deal with stress!

This week (07/03/17 – 07/10/17), 1 notetakers at Georgia State University uploaded course material to StudySoup. There were 1 new documents uploaded this week, bringing the total number of Georgia State University study materials on StudySoup up to 3156.
So far, the top 5 most viewed materials that were uploaded this week are:

The top 5 most popular materials from last week are:

And currently, the most popular Georgia State University courses on StudySoup are:

We are making a big push to add more content across the SCOM, departments. Please refer anyone in the following list of classes to apply to the elite notetaker program.

Time to Travel!

There are very few young adults that I have encountered that do not wish to travel the world. For the most part, many young adults are consumed by the feeling of wanderlust and simply want to get away and experience what the world has to offer – myself included!

Although I have not yet been to many places outside of the United States, one of the best adventures that I have had so far surprisingly enough has been right off the coast of my home state of Georgia – Jekyll Island. The time I spent at Jekyll Island primarily consisted of me being at the beach and channeling my inner Moana. Although I did not sail across the sea to restore the heart of Te Fiti (which would have been awesome!), I did get to sit back, relax, and take in the beauty of the beach itself, the ocean, and its marine life.

In the future, when I do get the chance to travel outside of the United States, my dream destination would be New Zealand or any of the countries in Oceania. These are some of the countries that catch my interest the most because I have a strong penchant for beautiful tropical locations and experiencing the different types of tropical environments.

Want to read more amazing travel stories? Check out this article that recounts the adventure-filled journey of Regional Lead Community Challenge Winner Elizabeth Hill to Puerto Rico!

StudySoup Weekly Roundup 07/03/17
This week (06/26/17 – 07/03/17), 1 notetakers at Georgia State University uploaded course material to StudySoup. There were 1 new documents uploaded this week, bringing the total number of Georgia State University study materials on StudySoup up to 3153
So far, the top 5 most viewed materials that were uploaded this week are:
          1. Class Notes – Applied Mathematics
          2. Class Notes- MK 4100
          3. Class Notes – MGS 1010
          4. Class Notes – MATH 1070
          5. Class Notes – POLS 1101
The top 5 most popular materials from last week are:
          1. Class Notes – MK 4100
          2. Class Notes – MATH 1070
          3. Study Guide – SOCI 3030
          4. Class Notes – POLS 1101
          5. Class Notes – MGS 1010
And currently, the most popular Georgia State University course on StudySoup are:
          1. MK 4100
          2. MGS 1010
          3. MATH 1070
We are  making a big push to add more content across the Applied Mathematics, departments. Please refer anyone in the following list of classes to apply to the elite notetaker program.

7 Student Discounts You Should Take Advantage Of

In many cases, the financial experience of a college student revolves around tuition, textbooks, and figuring out how to pay off student loans while still wanting to have money left for leisure activities. However, most college students are unaware that there are a multitude of companies that offer student discounts. Check out this list of places and keep them in mind next time you plan on doing smart shopping and saving money!

1. Buffalo Wild Wings

Want to go out to eat with friends? Buffalo Wild Wings offers a 10% student discount when you show your Student I.D. This offer varies based on location.

2. AMC Theatres

If you want to watch the latest movies, AMC Theatres offers discounted tickets for students every Thursday. Check in with your local AMC for specific pricing.


Need a new pair of shoes? TOMS gives students 10% cash back on every purchase. Plus, for every purchase made a pair of shoes is given to a child in need, it’s a win-win situation!


Looking to make a new clothing purchase? TopShop offers a 10% student discount in stores and online upon registration with Unidays or Student Beans.

5. Goodwill

If you’re a person that enjoys thrifting, take advantage of Goodwill’s 10% off student discount. Offer varies based on location.

6. Apple Music

Indulge in your favorite music using Apple Music’s discounted student membership. Take advantage of their three month free-trial and $4.99 per month student membership following the completion of your free trial period.

7. Amazon Prime

Amazon offers Amazon Student, which is a discounted membership for students. For $49 per year, compared to the regular price of $99 per year, students will receive free kindle books, free 2-day shipping, and free unlimited streaming of 41,000+ T.V. shows and movies!

In need of more student discounts? Check out this article that lists tons of additional companies that offer discounts to students!

StudySoup Weekly Roundup 06/26/17

This week (06/19/17 – 06/26/17), 2 notetakers at Georgia State University uploaded course material to StudySoup. There were 4 new documents uploaded this week, bringing the total number of Georgia State University study materials on StudySoup up to 3152.

Study Guide – CHEM 2400
Bundle – CRJU 3060
Study Guide – ECON 2105
Class Notes – HIST 2110
Final Study Guide – MAT 200
Class Notes – MUS 1500
The top 1 most popular materials from last week are:
Study Guide – RELS 2001
And currently, the most popular Georgia State courses on StudySoup are:
We are making a big push to add more content across the Music, Math, and OTHER departments. Please refer anyone in the following list of classes to apply to the elite notetaker program.

Where Should You Stay During College?

In college, one of the biggest non-academic decisions you’ll probably have to make is choosing where you want to stay. Whether it be on campus, off campus, with friends, or with family, deciding what your living situation will be during college can be difficult if you don’t know where to start.

As a junior in college, I have always lived on campus. I personally prefer the convenience of being located near my classes and the environment that my University has to offer. Although living on campus has its perks, there are also a few drawbacks that accompany campus living, one of the main ones being its cost.

However, since staying on campus may not be in everyone’s best interest, it’s better to simply do what works best for you and what makes you the most comfortable. If the cost of campus housing isn’t in your budget, the better route would  be to either live at home and commute to campus, or find an off-campus apartment and split the bill with one or more roommates. Also, if you’re not too fond of the idea of living with complete strangers, try rooming with friends regardless of if you decide to live on or off campus. Either way, the most important thing to remember when living with other people is the importance of communication. When you communicate with the people you live with, it makes it easier for everyone to be aware of what you are and are not satisfied with in your living environment.

Still not sure of what to do in regards to college housing? Check out this article that also has helpful information on alternative housing options!

StudySoup Weekly Roundup 06/12/17

This week (06/12/17 – 06/19/17), 2 notetakers at Georgia State University uploaded course material to StudySoup. There were 4 new documents uploaded this week, bringing the total number of Georgia State University study materials on StudySoup up to 3137.

Study Guide – KH 2520

Class Notes – IB 8680

Class Notes –  EPY 2050

Class Notes – PHYS 1111

Class Notes – PMAP 18554

Class Notes – FIL 2700

The top 1 most popular materials from last week are:

Study Guide – ANTH 1102

And currently, the most popular Georgia State courses on StudySoup are:

We are making a big push to add more content across the Music, Math, and OTHER departments. Please refer anyone in the following list of classes to apply to the elite notetaker program.

How to Stay Productive as a College Student

As college students, we all know that sometimes it may be difficult to stay productive. There are a countless number of distractions that can prevent us from being productive, ranging from scrolling on social media to watching hours of the newest T.V series on Netflix. Luckily, I have a few tips that can help you become a more productive person.

1. Don’t Do Homework in/on Your Bed

This is one of the biggest things I’ve struggled with as a college student wanting to be productive. Doing work in bed allows your body to have the same comfort as it does when you’re sleeping. This makes it easier to become tired, which can often result in falling asleep while doing homework. A more efficient place to work is a desk or organized area with good lighting; this can help you stay focused and make you less likely to put off your assignments.

2. Always Take a Break

Taking a break, especially when studying, can allow your mind and body to regroup so you can be more productive. Constantly working or studying allows your mind to know what you are doing, but most of the time it will not be able to fully process information since it needs to rest; this is the reason why most cram sessions fail to work. So instead of pulling an all-nighter, take a break and complete other small tasks so your mind can rest.

3. Manage Your Schedule

Having a schedule that is full yet unorganized can also further fuel the lack of productivity. Check out this site that has tools and other useful resources that will help you stay on top of being productive!

While you’re at it, check out this week’s top selling materials!

 ** Study Guide – MUS 3010 **

Study Guide – SPAN 1002

Class Notes – AH 1102

Class Notes – CIS 2010
Class Notes – EPY 1000
Class Notes – HIST 1111
Class Notes – MGS 3100
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