As college students, it may be difficult to find ways to earn money that don’t include the typical campus or restaurant jobs. Although these ways may be the most convenient, it is always good to explore different ways to make extra cash. Here is a short list of alternative ways to make money while in college!

1. Become a Tutor

Do you have a love for biology, math, or any other subject that may be difficult for most students? If you’re comfortable enough, becoming a tutor is a great way for you to help your peers, sharpen your knowledge, and improve your communication skills while also making extra cash!

2. Sell Your Clothes

Another convenient way to make extra cash is by selling old clothing. A lot of us may have a pile of clothes that we’ve either outgrown or simply don’t wear anymore, so why not turn that into extra money in your pocket? If you don’t have the time to organize or participate in a yard sale, try using apps like Depop, Poshmark, or even Ebay to conveniently sell those unused clothes.

3. Participate in Paid Research Experiments 

This particular method of making money is my personal favorite, and one I’ve utilized several times. Many universities offer students the opportunity to participate in paid computerized research experiments to collect data for various research projects. If you’re worried about the confidentiality of these experiments, in most cases the conductors of the experiments will inform you of their confidentiality agreements and notify you of the benefits, as well as the risks (which are virtually none) of the experiment. If your college or university does not offer paid research experiment opportunities to students, try searching for local research centers in your community that may be in need of individuals to participate!

Want  a more personal look into the various ways of making extra cash? Check out this article that shares Alexa Paikowski’s interesting experience of working at a student call center!


StudySoup Weekly Roundup 7/24/17

This week (07/24/17 – 07/31/17), 3 notetakers at Georgia State University uploaded course material to StudySoup. There were 3 new documents uploaded this week, bringing the total number of Georgia State University study materials on StudySoup up to 3168.

So far, the top 5 most viewed materials that were uploaded this week are:

  1. Study Guide – Chemistry
  2. Class Notes – History Of The Americas
  3. Study Guide – Accounting
  4. Study Guide – ACCT 2102
  5. Class Notes – IST 2110

The top 5 most popular materials from last week are:

  1. Study Guide – CHEM 1212
  2. Study Guide – Accounting
  3. Class Notes – IST 2110
  4. Study Guide – ACCT 2102
  5. Class Notes – History Of The Americas

And currently, the most popular Georgia State University courses on StudySoup are:

  1. ACCT 2102
  2. IST 2110
  3. CHEM 1212

We are making a big push to add more content across the History Of The AmericasAccounting, and Chemistry departments. Please refer anyone in the following list of classes to apply to the elite notetaker program.