The What Works Clearinghouse, an initiative of the Institute of Education Sciences at the United States Department of Education hosts a large amount of resources for teachers.  All of it is research based and proven to be effective.  Today, I …

Teaching Math to Young Children Read more »

An interesting retweet appeared in my Twitter feed recently.  It was from Vroom.  “Vroom?  What’s that?”, I wondered.  Upon further investigation, I discovered Vroom to be an excellent source of brain building activities for young children from birth through five. …

Vroom: Boosting Early Learning Read more »

Jennifer Cluley is the newest member of the Best Practices team, having joined us as Associate Project Director about three months. She has jumped in with both feet this fall, training new assistant teachers in developmentally appropriate practice and facilitating …

Meet the Team – Jennifer Cluley Read more »

Back in the summer, a number of us from the Best Practices team had the opportunity to attend an early childhood education conference in Salt Lake City.  We brought back many, wonderful things that we have been able to share …

Beginning Reads – Bringing Children into Reading Read more »