RT3 Toolbox Activity Winners – Round 1

Happy New Year! The RT3 (Returning Teacher Training) team has enjoyed the GELDS Toolbox training and would like to share our first few winners and honorable mentions of the 2015-16 Toolbox Activity Submissions. The toolbox card numbers and descriptions have been included with each photo. We will continue to share more submissions, so stay tuned!

 Winner #1 – Lisa Henderson
Card #39 – A Trip to the Moon
After reading Curious George and the Rocket by H. A. Rey, provide a space-themed prop box in the dramatic play center. Encourage children to plan their trips, think about what they will do on the moon and how they should prepare for their trips. APL1.4c

Lisa Henderson #39Lisa Henderson-#39

Winner #2 Janet Duvall
Card #25 – Pezzettino
Read the book Pezzettino by Leo Lionni. After reading, remind the children that the meaning of Pezzettino is “little piece.” Review some of the illustrations with the children and talk about what they remember. Using the felt board and small different colored squares of felt, have the children help recreate a character from the book. SED2.4d

Jannett DuVall-#25

Winner #3Toccara Lewis
Card #29 Yoga
Play calm music and teach the children simple yoga poses such as the Knife or Downward Dog. Picture cues are helpful. SED3.4b
“Children listened to African Lullaby’s by Putumayo Kids, used long construction paper to represent yoga mats and followed poses that I displayed.”

Toccara Lewis 2 Toccara Lewis 3 Toccara Lewis

Honorable Mention: Indra John Britto
Card #139 – Weather Bingo
Create a bingo game with pictures reflecting various types of weather such as sunny, stormy, cloudy and snowy. As the children play the game, ask them to name one article of clothing that they would wear that matches the picture. SC2.4d

Indra John Britto-#139

Honorable Mention: Jessica Allen
Card #157 – Art Area: After examining and discussing the black and white photography of Ansel Adams during large group time, provide the children with only white paper and black paint or vice versa and encourage them to create their own black and white pieces of art. CR2.4c
Jessica’s class discussed and examined the artwork of Andy Warhol.

Jessica Allen#157


I train Georgia PreK teachers and dabble a bit in the art of blogging. Have an idea for a blog post? Email me at bestpractices@gsu.edu. On the web: www.bestpractices.gsu.edu Facebook: www.facebook.com/bestpracticespk Twitter: @bestpracticespk