Meet the Team – Jennifer Cluley

Jennifer Cluley is the newest member of the Best Practices team, having joined us as Associate Project Director about three months. She has jumped in with both feet this fall, training new assistant teachers in developmentally appropriate practice and facilitating Work Sampling Online training for lead teachers and directors.

photoJennifer began in early childhood education twenty years ago in a Georgia’s PreK classroom before serving briefly as the director of a PreK center. The bulk of her experience was as an Education Specialist with a large, private provider that served children birth through five. In that role, she worked directly with teachers and administrators on quality improvement and provided direct training and technical assistance to teachers at the classroom and program level.

What do you like most about working at BP or what drew you/attracted you to working at BP?
I love having the opportunity to work directly with staff that is on the front line. Since starting at BP, I have come to appreciate everyone’s vast knowledge and enthusiasm; there is a wealth of knowledge on the team. Having the opportunity to share that all over the state, it is quite amazing when you think about it!

What is your favorite children’s book? What makes it most appealing to you?
Wow – tough question! There are so many…but I must say any of the Berenstain Bears books by Stan & Jan Berenstain. They were some of the favorites of both of my own daughters. I love the lessons that are embedded in the stories.

What actress would play you in a movie about your life?
I would say Cameron Diaz. She is that kind of quirky-and-cute girl next door.

What is something that most people don’t know about you or would never guess?
I am a life long cheerleader! I started cheering in fourth or fifth grade and cheered all the way through college. I can still do cartwheels and splits with the best of them. My kids think the old dance routines I show them are pretty funny!

Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
I really don’t mind any of these. I actually enjoy mowing the lawn and using a weed eater. Had you included “laundry” that would have been easy. My husband does all the laundry, and that’s a good thing!

Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
My dad called me Jenn-Jenn growing up, and it just stuck. My family and friends still call me Jenn.

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? Why?
I would love to go back to the post-Edwardian era of Downton Abbey. It has become my must see show. I love the propriety of that era. I think it has been interesting to watch and learn about the etiquette, see the clothes and how the world changed during that time, and to witness how women started speaking their mind and discovering their independence.

What would you sing at karaoke night? Why?
Well I’m no singer…but probably an old-fashioned country song like “Crazy” by Patsy Cline or “Stand By Your Man” by Tammy Wynette. I have been known to sing along with “Sister Golden Hair” by America. It was always a favorite to sing in the hairbrush microphone for my sisters and me!


I train Georgia PreK teachers and dabble a bit in the art of blogging. Have an idea for a blog post? Email me at On the web: Facebook: Twitter: @bestpracticespk

1 Comment on “Meet the Team – Jennifer Cluley

  1. My second day of training was with Jennifer Cluely and she was awesome. She had some great materials set out to use in the classroom and I have implemented several ink my classroom. However, she spoke of Pinterest often. Can ya blame her? Heck no…great sight full of awesome ideas. She was asked what her Pinterest account name is and I search for the account, so I could follow her and her great ideas. Bad news though…I couldn’t find her. Please reply with the information again, so that I can follow her. She’s a very creative person and again…had some awesome classroom ideas, would love to view her Pinterest boards. Thanks ☺

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