The SIF program this month has been one of transition. I continue to work on the research team for 3D Atlanta but have now been added to the team for the Hoccleve project!
3d Atlanta
The 3d Atlanta project has been coming along great with now multiple historically accurate buildings being added to the virtual reality program. Although progress has been made, a more efficient manner to model downtown Atlanta in the 1930s has been needed. 3d modeling can be time consuming as we want the virtual buildings to resemble their real-life facades as accurately as possible. One great solution is to have a 3d modeling class at Georgia State work on modeling the buildings as assignments for their class. The students gain hands on experience modeling real buildings while in turn creating something that will be of significant use to this project and Georgia State.
Unfortunately it is much easier said than done. In order for a beginner to intermediate 3d modeler to create a good model we must provide a storefront or building that is relatively geometrically simple (cube-like), a clear image of the old 1930s facade or building, as well as provide certainty that this building was around in the 1930s, and it fits within the downtown Atlanta area we are hoping to create.
As I continue to search for buildings and images here are some examples of what I come across:
Empire Building- GSU J. Mack Robinson College of Business
Although seeming to fit all the requirements this facade is not too easy to mimic.
A closer look shows…

Empire building today
The facade of the building is much more intricate and would make this a suitable project for intermediate or advanced 3d modelers to tackle.
Other issues arrive with buildings that no longer exist but we know once existed. This leaves us to rely heavily on old photos that may be of poor quality such as:
These are a few of the challenges I have been facing lately with 3d Atlanta. I hope to continue investigating suitable buildings for all modeling levels.
Hoccleve Archives
I have been added to the exciting Hoccleve archives project. As a computer science minor I have been itching to gain some hands on coding skills and help the team build out a great platform to study the works of middle english poet, Thomas Hoccleve.
Our goals include creating an interactive database containing all of his works, where one can search for specific lines or words. This would make his poems completely accessible for specific uses.
I hope to learn much more from this project, so stay tuned!
until next time,
Alexandra Orrego