MARTA transit project

As the weeks pass and both projects are beginning to form, the knowledge that I continue to gain has not seized.  Particularly the Atlanta Transit project has begun to take way with all members of the projects learning how to efficiently sift through archives of transit plans for the MARTA rail line. It includes all maps that display actual functioning lines, to proposed lines, to rail lines that were never built.

How we can use this information to obtain a tangible idea or final result comes from using the software ArcMaps, a software made by ESRI. ArcMaps allows us to take these Geographically tagged, archived maps and create an accurate layer, in which we then trace to create layers upon layers. As we all continue to track all the maps found and continue to add layers, the end result will be an inclusive map of all the planned and proposed rails that the City of Atlanta wanted for MARTA.

The uses for this map will hopefully be to see how transportation affects the city of Atlanta and how that in turn affects which of all the proposed lines were actually built throughout out the years. We can then look to how these stations and lines affected the communities that surround this convenient way of transportation. I believe that the mission of this interactive map will be to educate the people of Atlanta on how public transportation and construction have immediate and long term effects on the surrounding communitie’s’ economic status, social status, and ultimately their potential due to their accessibility from public transportation.

As this project continues to unfold, I have been exposed to many grad students who have degrees in Geoscience. These intelligent students have instilled in me the hand that technology has in creating all of these important mapping projects. One particular student has mentored me in thinking about guiding me on which other minor or double major to pick up, because of its demand.

I am infinitely grateful for all the opportunities that being a SIF has allowed me to have and I am always excited to see where the next upcoming weeks will take me!

I will be sure to keep you all updated.

Until next time,

Alexandra Orrego

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