What is a Manic episode?

Elisa Lam cause of death is most likely the manic episodes she had so she accidentally killed herself. Elisa suffered from depression and even had a blog describing what was going on in her life. She was writing about how her depression and bipolar disorder affected her life. She posted on her blog frequently. “A manic episode is a mood state characterized by period of at least one week where an elevated, expansive, or unusually irritable mood exists. A person experiencing a manic episode is usually engaged in significant goal-directed activity beyond their normal activities (Bressert).” A manic episode is not a good thing to go over. It a bad stage to go through which Elisa Lam probably went through.

The roommates Eliza had before she was put in a room by herself talked about how she acted weird. “The hotel’s general manager said Lam’s roommates complained about her “odd behavior”(Proctor). She was then moved to a private room. Elisa might have been going through with a slight manic episode or maybe depression. When this happened, it was at the time that she died. This shows how it’s a high possibility that this might have led her to accidentally kill herself because of the manic episodes.