Welcome to the American Medical Student Association Chapter at Georgia State University Chapter! We are ecstatic that you have shown interest and have chosen our organization as your resource for your professional and personal growth while at Georgia State University.
As an AMSA chapter member, you are part of a national organization that is recognized both nationally and locally.
Membership with the American Medical Student Association will provide you with premedical information such as: required classes as a premed, how to prepare for the MCAT, medical school application process, volunteer opportunities, the chance to meet medical doctors and medical school officials, get discounts on books and travel and so much more. We also provide a place to network with fellow students, faculty and staff, as well as premedical and medical advisors, which will help advance your career as a student. American Medical Student Association has helped many students to find their way to medical school and to find out if they actually like fields of medicine or not,
As part of your membership, you will also receive discounts on KAPLAN review courses (10% off ANY course, event, private tutors). For membership intake information of our chapter our officers can be reached in person at AMSA meetings or via email. All forms that need to be submitted for local membership can be found at the link to your left entitled “Files“.
You may join AMSA online through Jotform. To start your member ship application simply click on this Jotform to be directed to AMSA membership application.
If you have any questions about AMSA GSU, you our encourage to contact any AMSA GSU officer for clarification!