There are several theories surrounding the morning of August 9th, 2013. These theories fluctuate between Brandon running from the cops due to a outstanding warrant being placed on him and the argument he had with his girlfriend made him leave his family. After extensive searches by the Coke County police, the Sherriff’s Department told Chelsea Reinhard of news site San Angelo Live that, “The Sheriff’s Department does not suspect foul play in the case of Brandon Lawson, and he is currently listed as a missing person” (San Angelo live). While Brandon did have an outstanding warrant out for him, Ladessa explained in an interview with BlogTalkRadio that, “we already had a lawyer that we wanted and we were just going to do a little walk-through, and then Brandon was going to face that. Brandon wasn’t running from the warrant” (qtd. in BlogTalkRadio). Furthermore, the idea of Brandon attempting to run from a warrant and then calling the police is contradictory. If Brandon was running from the police, calling them for help would not help him hide. The theory regarding Brandon simply abandoning his family stems from his final words with Ladessa. She confessed to Brittney Clark in an article from San Angelo Live that the couple got into an argument which resulted in Brandon’s drive through the night. In the same article, Ladessa goes on to say that it was a typical fights between couple, caused by work and life stress (San Angelo Live). A former coworker of Brandon’s commented on the likelihood of Brandon abandoning his family in the same article from San Angelo Live, “he did love his kids. I don’t see him leaving his kids. He did talk about them all the time. He was a hardcore daddy. I don’t really see him just up and leaving. That was one thing he was surely proud of” (San Angelo Live). Regardless of Brandon Lawson’s outstanding warrant or argument with his girlfriend neither of these explanations would have been enough to lead to Brandon abandoning a family he had stood beside and supported for nearly ten years.