What You Won’t Do for Love

This piece basically represents my love for music. i used to be in and band and thought it’d be best to represent that. I wanted to do a flute but realize how boring it’d be since its just practically a stick, so I decided to do saxophone instead since people tend to think its a brass instrument instead of a woodwind instrument.

The process of this project was going well, up until i had to put everything together. the plaster cloth that’s wrapped on the sax was consuming a lot of paint so even when i try to add another layer, it wouldn’t cover the entire base. when I used the hot glue to glue it to the base of the plastic but didn’t realize that it would melt through, so while regluing it, it caused the base to be unstable.

Materials: flexi glass, plaster cloth, buttons, old textbook, bending wire, cardboard, Scotch tape, acrylic paint


This piece didn’t turn out the way I expected since the material was something new to m, though i did my best to make it better. This piece basically sums up how I felt while working on the project.

Materials: Floral foam, Hot glue, Acrylic paint