Mistakes (Blog Post #2)

I’ve made a decent amount of them, and they’ve taught me quite a lot about, not only myself, but the world around me. The act of making a misguided decision or just plan wrong decision is called, a mistake.

As I dwell back on the days of early childhood, looking back on the many mistakes I’ve made, comparing to the few I happen to make now, I realize that they all, at the end of the experience, taught me a lesson and grew me in my maturity.

Mistakes are apart of our human nature, something we all understand to be. But the controversy that people have with mistakes, is that we try not to make many of them or a really detrimental one. Also I must note that, in certain fields of life mistakes are a  positive part of the building process. Examples being, inventions, creating life, and the growth of who you continuously change to be. That being said, we have to conclude that mistakes aren’t always seen as an issue, it just all depends on how we take it in as.

Some of the best people have walked this earth as a result of a ‘mistake’. Extraordinary places have been discovered as a result of a ‘mistake’. Many efficient, convenient, life changing things came into pass as a result of a ‘mistake’.

Through the years, in addition with the amount of knowledge and information I’ve acquired thus far in life. I’ve come to share with all that, when those mistakes that you make are all said and done with, remember what came out of it. If positive assure yourself that mistakes are apart of human life. If negative, keep assured that you have had a lesson in life and are now a better more improved individual than your previous self, and note that mistakes are apart of human life.


6 thoughts on “Mistakes (Blog Post #2)

  1. I really like how you were able to give a positive spin to “mistakes” and were able to use your life experiences as an example. You were able to make me realize that making mistakes might not be a bad thing after all.

  2. Very good post. I liked how you were able to show that our mistakes are very things that make us a knowledgeable human,if we learn from them

  3. I love this post, because everyone makes mistakes and people forget that it’s okay.You have to always remember to NEVER give up!

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