Thursday 9/13 at 4pm: Pre-Law Society Semester-Kickoff Social

If you are interested in participating in the Pre-Law Society this year, you won’t want to miss the Society’s semester kick-off social this Thursday from 4-5:30pm in College of Law room #139. Come and enjoy complimentary food and drink, meet 2018-2019 Executive Board members, and enjoy conversation with other GSU pre-law students.

Thursday 9/13 at 4pm: Michigan State University College of Law visits GSU

At this CASA-sponsored event, students will have an opportunity to speak with the Director of Admissions at the MSU College of Law. Even if you are not planning to apply to that law school, this will be an excellent opportunity to hear about law school admissions from the point of view of someone whose job […]

Tuesday 9/11 at 12pm: CASA Workshop – “Law School Application Checklist”

This Tuesday, on September 11, the Center for the Advancement of the Students and Alumni (CASA) will be hosting a workshop on the law school application process. The workshop will be in Room 1242 of 55 Park Place. This will be useful for all pre-law students, and especially those who are applying this fall in […]

LSAT Prep Opportunities this Fall

There are several free or discounted LSAT prep opportunities available for GSU students this fall. Free LSAT Prep Opportunities 18 Free Workshop Courses Offered by GSU Office of Black Student Achievement 18 free workshops are scheduled from September 10 – November 12. For more information, view the flyer at this link. You may sign-up or send […]

2018 Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) “ASAP” Seminars

The Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) is a national organization, founded in 1968, that seeks to expand opportunities for minority and low-income students to attend law school. Among other things, each year CLEO hosts “ASAP” Seminars, which stands for Achieving Success in the law school Application Process. At these seminars, students are provided guidance on […]

Event this Friday (April 6): “What the 1L?: First Year of Law School Demystified”

Professor Ryan Grelecki of the Center for the Advancement of Students and Alumni will be moderating a panel discussion this Friday (April 6) from 12:30pm-2:00pm in Langdale Hall 1076 entitled “What the 1L?: First Year of Law School Demystified.” The panel will consist of first-year law students attending GSU College of Law who received undergraduate degrees from […]

GSU Mock Trial Makes History / Qualifies for National Tournament

For the first time in school history, GSU’s undergraduate Mock Trial team has qualified for the American Mock Trial Association’s annual National Championship Tournament. The tournament, which this year will take place in Minneapolis April 20-22, features the top 48 teams in the country. That GSU broke into the top 48 is quite impressive since […]