Two Year Course of Study –
Performance Track

Associate of Arts with a concentration in Theatre

ActingBecause of the sequential nature of many of the Fine Arts courses, students must meet during their first semester at Perimeter College with a Fine Arts adviser to plan their course of study. Fine Arts majors need to start their major area courses in their first semester in order to complete the two-year sequence.


  1. Areas A-E: Core Curriculum (42)
  2. Required Courses (13)
    • World language at the 1002 or higher level (3)
    • THEA 2210 Beginning Acting (3)
    • THEA 2100 Play Analysis for Production(3)
    • Select four hours from the following (4):
      • THEA 1607 Stagecraft Skills (3) and select one of the following:
        • THEA 1701 Theatre Practicum (1)
        • THEA 1702 Technical Theatre Practicum (1)
  3. Select additional elective courses to complete 18 hours in Area F
  4. 200 Service Hours in the Department or Theatre Arts Guild, including performance,working a technical position in a show, working in the scenery, costume, props or light department, front of house operations and many other opportunities.

Recommended for students wanting to study Performance:

  • THEA 1556 Social Dance I (1)
  • THEA 2212 Intermediate Acting (3)
  • THEA 1610 Improving Voice and Articulation for the Actor (3)
  • THEA 1660 Makeup for the Stage (3)
  • THEA 2345 Audition Portfolio (2)
  • THEA 2607 Children’s Theatre Production (3)
  • THEA 2611 Staging and Rehearsal Skills (3)
  • THEA 2613 Applied Theatre Workshop (3)

Acting 2

Term 1………………………………………17 Hours

  1. THEA 2210 Beginning Acting (3)
  2. THEA 1607 Stagecraft Skills (3)
  3. OPTION: MATH 1101 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling or MATH 1111 College Algebra (3)
  4. ENGL 1101 English Composition I (3)
  5. SCOM 1000 Human Communication (2)
  6. OPTION: Area C-III Foreign Language (3)

Term 2………………………………………16-18 Hours

  1. THEA 2100 Play Analysis for Production (3)
  2. OPTION: Area F, Any 1xxx Performance Track(1-3)
  3. OPTION: Area C-II,
    • THEA 2040 Introduction to Theatre (3) Recommended
  4. ENGL 1102 English Composition II (3)
  5. POLS 1101 American Government (3)
  6. OPTION: Area C-III Foreign Language (3)

April 11, 2012 - Clarkston, Georgia, United States - Archive photos for "Blues for an Alabama Sky".

Term 3………………………………………14-16 Hours

    1. OPTION: Area F, Any 1xxx Perfomance Track(1-3)
    2. OPTION: Area F, Any 2xxx Performance Track, THEA 2345 Audition Portfolio (2) Recommended if Fall Term
    3. OPTION: Area D-I, Science/Math/Technology (3)
  • OPTION: Area D-I, Lab Science/Math/Technology (1)
  • HIST 2110 Survey of United States History (3)
  • OPTION: Area C-I Literature(3)
  • THEA 1701 or 1702 Theatre Practicum (1)


Acting 5

Term 4………………………………………16 Hours

  1. OPTION: Area F, Any 2xxx Performance Track (3) THEA 2345 Audition Portfolio (2) Recommended if Fall Term
  2. ELECTIVE: Area F, Any xxxx Design or Musical Theatre Track(3)
  3. OPTION: Area E-III Social Sciences (3)
  4. OPTION: Area D-II Science/Math/Technology (3)
  5. OPTION: History (3)
    • HIST 1111 Survey of World History to 1500
    • HIST 1112 Survey of World History since 1500
  6. THEA 1701 or 1702 Theatre Practicum

Total Hours: 60-67

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