Metro Atlanta Chamber Digital Environment


Metro Atlanta Chamber is a digital environment that informs young business leaders and other entrepreneurs of how to transform the businesses of Atlanta as a whole, chiding it into a more lucrative success. Metro Atlanta chamber has made tremendous progress over the years by recruiting corporate and global facilities allowing for the rapid increase of sixty thousand job opportunities. Metro Atlanta Chamber has also invested millions of dollars to establish more health and science facilities to create innovative ways of learning. Metro Atlanta chamber not only try to find new strategies and techniques to innovate the community but when times get rough they often times take on the responsibility and create solutions to fix problems such as transportation, water, manufacturing, health and even education. The creators of Metro Atlanta Chamber also took into consideration that a system of balance must be enforced throughout the economy, creating a more substantial society.

Metro Atlanta Chamber was a  developed by president and C.E.O Hala Moddelmog with the intentions to help Atlanta thrive.  Moddelmog spent most of her career coming up with innovative techniques and strategies to increase the brand and product development in Atlanta today. “The association diminished during the Civil War. In efforts to reconstruct Atlanta, the association reorganized as a Board of Trade and evolved into the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce in 1871. The Chamber helped pave the way for better transportation from 1941-1964 by initiating movements and bonds to support the evolution of Atlanta’s transportation systems and roadways.”  Moddelmog proved to the world that a woman could run any business just as good, if not better than men by leading an international restaurant organization and also being awarded president of one of the worlds largest food production.  Moddelmog was best acknowledge as the “machinist with the masterpiece” because her talent was replenishing the spirit of brands.

The Chamber started in 1893 with the demands to develop an operation were they could potentially raise three and a half million dollars to improve the architectural balance of Atlanta.  Metro Atlanta Chamber plays an very significant role in how Atlanta’s transportation and rail road systems operates today. The Chamber helped pave the way for the 1975,  2 billion dollar construction of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) rail system. “Continuing its support for MARTA, the Chamber’s public affairs department effectively lobbied $139 million in grants to expand the railways.” By the year 2001 (MAC) has allowed for  Atlanta to be acknowledged as the home to many companies headquarters internationally and domestically. “Today, metro Atlanta is home to 14 Fortune 500 companies.

In today’s period of industrial growth (MAC) sole priority is to establish a bond of strategic strengths by collaborating with previous partnerships or businesses to foster a network of connects and support to create new opportunities while also assimilating an better aspect of life. (MAC) encourages lucrative and non-lucrative businesses of the Metro-Atlanta area to invest their time and financial resources into them because they have attained the credibility by generating valid results and proving to make a difference in society for years and years to come. The Metro Atlanta Chamber has developed a four step strategic protocol to revitalize the region regain in economic existence. The first step of this 4 step process is called 1.) growth and recruit; which involves  trained recruiters exploring companies to expand. Step two is 2.)Increasing Higher Ed and Collaborating with business followed by step 3 which is about 3.) advancing the quality of life; which elaborate on how to promote, attract, and to retain the best work force. The final step includes 4.) The rhetoric of Atlanta which allows you to create a story other business leaders of Atlanta could relate to.

Metro Atlanta Chamber is a workforce development that offers insight on business proposals. Metro Atlanta has numerous programs, schools, degrees, certifications and other resources to educate and train qualified workers. Metro Atlanta Chamber just recently released a copy of their trends report indicating that Atlanta is slowly transforming into a digital media super-hub with almost twice as many digital media job postings per capital than the rest of the nation. MAC is opened up to discuss good advice, potential possibilities, and even areas of growth to any entrepreneur or business leader of Atlanta who seeks help or guidance. Their goal is to help link the employer with an employee that best fits his or her needs.


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