Annotated Bibliography 9


  • Hampbleton, William. “Ignorance Is Bliss.” Thought from a Therapist. N.p., 24 Jan. 2011. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.

How can what you don’t know hurt you? In this short article “Ignorance is Bliss” Bishop William Hambleton elaborates in detail of how ignorance can turn into bliss. “Ignorance is Bliss” is a common analogy that could be interpreted in different point of views. Bishop William believes that ignorance can be developed by ourselves or he suggest that “‘ignorance’ is something that we can attain intentionally.” Bishop Williams intends to inform his audience that if they live their life by the intentional choices that they made then they have decided to let ignorance guide their perception and nothing but miserable and catastrophic events will follow. The author tries to convince his readers that knowledge is key and what you don’t know can hurt you.  When people make wise decisions and project knowledge into their perception then they unintentionally draw automatic responses to their environment. These automatic responses could be best defined as thoughts, feelings, or any type of emotion or belief that will eventually place them in a path of righteousness where there decisions are backed up by sense of confidence and security.  Bishop William Hambleton agree’s to viewpoint that without knowledge in peoples judgement or perception then each moment they spend making a decision is novel, bliss and almost always regret it. “This bliss” we referring to  is in contrast to the boredom or anger one receive when one is often time misunderstood. So what you don’t know can’t hurt you’ is false because, ‘the more you know… the more problems you are aware of’’and ‘if you are ignorant than you are free from the burdens of knowing… and are therefore not responsible for fixing what you are unaware of.

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