(DRAFTING) Publix at Piedmont: Merging the Downtown, Midtown, and Old Fourth Ward Communities of Atlanta

When I was first hired, my department manager told me, “I’ve worked for Publix for [X] years and this is the most interesting store I’ve ever worked at. We have to deal with things that most stores will never encounter.” Unlike Joseph, I would have nothing to compare my store experiences to.

One of the main reasons why I chose to attend school in Atlanta was because of the vast diversity of the city. While I do see the diversity of population at Georgia State and other public places in Atlanta, self-segregation is blatant in most observations. Segregation was legal in the city a little over 50 years ago, and even though the spearhead of the Civil Rights Movement took place in Atlanta, the strife of racial bias continues to linger.

Women and Architecture

Written by Aliyah Davis & Shakira Daniel

Source: The Huffington Post "Ghost in the Machine. Elenberg Fraser, Premier Tower, Melbourne, Australia. Beyoncé, Ghost music video."

Source: The Huffington Post
“Ghost in the Machine. Elenberg Fraser, Premier Tower, Melbourne, Australia. Beyoncé, Ghost music video.”

In ‘Sexism is Alive and Well in Architecture”, Lance Hosey, Chief Sustainability Officer at Perkins Eastman, described the biased nature of  the architectural industry, which is highly discriminatory against women.  Throughout the article, he uses historical accounts, statistical information, recorded interviews, and possibly his own experience to support his argument. Hosey’s purpose is to highlight the history of sexism in architecture and to call for a change in the industry. The piece can apply to a wide audience, but could draw the attention of Hosey’s colleagues and peers in the architecture industry.

Hosey, Lance. “Sexism Is Alive and Well in Architecture.” The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc,  7 July 2015. Web. 28 January 2016.



Syllabus Quiz

1. What are the major projects? In a bulleted list, provide links to the project descriptions for each of them.

• Reading Summaries (http://spaceplacerhet.robinwharton.net/reading-summaries/)
• Annotated Bibliography (http://spaceplacerhet.robinwharton.net/annotated-bibliography/)
• Built Environment Descriptions (http://spaceplacerhet.robinwharton.net/built-environment-descriptions/)
• Built Environment Analysis (http://spaceplacerhet.robinwharton.net/beanalysis/)

2. How will your final grade be calculated?

I will receive points for attending class and turning in each of the assigned major projects of the course. Along with the point accumulated by submitting the major assignments, I will have the opportunity to earn extra points by completing in-class work, studying, contributing material in the collaborative archive. If I have at least 2,500, I can receive an “A” in the class and 1,475 points amounts to a “C”. The final grade for any number of points between 1,475 and 2,500 will be determined by the top earner of the section.

3. What is the “submission form” and how do you use it?

The Google Doc submission form will be used to turn in all assignments with the exception of the quizzes on Brightspace. When turning in assignments, I must fill out the required fields and provide a link to the submission. I must also click the checkbox that confirms my understanding of the Academic Honesty policy at Georgia State.

4. Embed the form below your answer (hint: Google “embed Google form” to find out how).

5. Embed the course calendar and weekly overview below this question.


Weekly Overview

6. Where on the course website can you find an overview of what’s due and the readings for each unit?

I can find this information under “Syllabus & Course Info” tab on the course website.

7. What is the best way to see an overview of what’s due each week?

The best way to see what’s due each week is to glance at the Google calendar for the course.

8. What is the attendance policy?

Twenty points will be earned per class for attendance and 20 points lost per absence. Showing up to class late will also result in a reduction of points.

9. What are my office hours, and how do you make an appointment to see me outside of class?

Office hours are Tuesdays from 9:30- 11:30AM in Langdale 970. You can be contacted by email or in person to arrange an appointment to meet. Additionally, there is an option to meet in a video chat online via WebEx or Google Hangouts.

10. How do you earn participation credit? Provide a link to the instructions/guidelines for particiption.

I can easily earn participation credit by attending class. Throughout the course, I must interact with my classmates and instructor.
Link: http://spaceplacerhet.pdarrington.net/projects-2/#participation|0

11. How many points can you earn by participating in or organizing a study group session?

Up to 25 points can be earned by participating in a study group.

12. How can you be assured of earning an “A” in this course?

Earning at least 2500 points.

13. What are the minimum requirements for earning a passing grade of “C”?

Completing the bare minimum for major assignments and earning at least 1475 points.

14. What do you do if you’re not sure how to document your participation in order to earn points?

Write what you do in a blog post and submit the link in the Google doc form.