Is Family Responsibility a Crucial Barrier to Accessing Alcohol Abuse Treatment ?

  Alcohol addiction is one of the leading causes of illness, disability, and premature death in the U.S. Almost 30% of U.S. citizens will suffer alcohol abuse problems in their lives but only one in five people will access any form of treatment (1).Thus, only about  20% of the individuals who need substance abuse treatment can access it (4).

Alcohol abuse is characterized by a low incidence of affected drinkers seeking treatment, especially when they are women  (3). Women face several specific barriers to accessing treatment, particularly concerning stigma, child care and financial issues.


Several studies have evidenced gender differences in the type, strength, and number of barriers people encounter while considering and attempting to access treatment. For example, in 2005, an article demonstrated that women are more likely than men to experience economic barriers while seeking treatment because they may be less educated and earn lower wages(4) . Additionally, women are more likely to have more trouble finding time to attend therapy due to family responsibilities and transportation issues. Furthermore, women may lack the support of family and friends to enter treatment, so they face more discrimination and stigma for their addictions  (4). While men and women face discrimination associated with seeking treatment, women are more susceptible to feeling stigmatized (6).

Identifying and resolving common barriers to women accessing treatment is essential since they experience more health-related consequences of alcohol abuse and alcohol-related problems which interfere more with the functioning in different areas of life compared to men  (5). However, being responsible for the care of dependent children is one of the primary and most significant barriers for women to access treatment due to the impact this could have on the family nucleus, especially on children. (13).  Previous research has shown that children living with alcoholic parents are at increased risk for anxiety disorders, depression, problems with cognitive and verbal skills, and parental abuse or neglect. Additionally, they are four times more likely than other children to develop alcohol use disorder symptoms (12). 

Thus, the concurrence of alcohol abuse and parenting should be recognized as a significant public health problem that has to be evaluated more because a mother suffering from substance abuse significantly affects the well-being of children and their families (12).

 The National Survey on Drug Use and Health data has estimated that approximately 7.5 million children have lived in households with at least one parent who has an alcohol use disorder. Among children with single mothers, 1.1 million children have lived with a mother who has an alcohol use disorder (12).



Because there are millions of children living with an alcohol-abused mother, removing barriers is essential for mothers to seek treatment to lessen the impact on families, especially on children. Unfortunately, several other studies have mentioned that the responsibility of caring for children is still considered a substantial and primary barrier to seeking treatment, especially among women  (8). In fact, a 2015 survey showed that 73.3% of women responded that they were afraid to ask for help and lose their children due to the possibility of being identified as addicts (10).

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The survey shows that fear of losing custody of their children is still a critical barrier for mothers seeking treatment.Sadly, very little has been done to remove this barrier, as the Child Welfare Workers report shows that more and more children with parents who have an alcohol or substance abuse disorder receive care outside the home (foster care). This chart demonstrates that substance abuse among parents is a worrying factor that has contributed to the increase in the relocation of children in foster care from 18% to over 35% in the past 16 years (12).


This graph indicates that every year more women who suffer from substance disorders are losing custody of their children. The lack of government interest in increasing treatment programs with child care services translates into an increasing number of children entering the foster care system. This problem perpetuates the barrier of accessing adequate treatment and affects recovery time, which could be significantly improved if mothers could have the custody of their children. In fact, the “Substance Abuse Treatment Journal” found that in-patient treatment programs, designed for mothers with substance addiction and their children, had positive results. The study evaluated a residential drug rehabilitation program for around 40 women and their children. The program addressed issues of addiction and parenting among women. When women completed the treatment, the severity of their addiction reduced, they scored better on parental stress levels, and their children scored better on behavioral and emotional functioning. The study concluded that “residential treatment has great benefits for mothers and their children,” an outlook that is incredibly promising and optimistic for a mother who has suffered from alcohol use disorders  (14). Thus, many studies have corroborated that women whose children stayed with them in specialized rehabilitation programs have had a better retention rate and results (2).

Another study demonstrated the importance of the mother-child connection for women starting and staying in the rehabilitation program. The study surveyed 1,500 people who had a history of substance abuse. The survey asked what was their biggest motivation to stop using addictive substances. The women overwhelmingly replied that they were their children. The men mentioned several people, but the percentages were not as significant. (11).


Therefore, it is essential to broaden and innovate the gender-specific programs that primarily address barriers related to parenting issues of woman with substance abuse. The goal of increasing mother-specific treatment programs is to motivate women to start their treatment and improve retention rates, and eventually to improve psychological and health outcomes for themselves and their children. Reintegrating mother and child into the community with better rehabilitation programs will eventually pay off through savings in foster care, emergency room visits, medical and psychiatric care,  income, repeated detoxification, incarcerations, and children’s special education needs. For women with an alcohol use disorder, increasing access to treatment and improving mothers’ roles can positively impact the well-being of women, children, and the society.

















Is the Coronavirus Recession Associated with Increasing Mental Health Problems and Alcohol Consumption?

The Coronavirus recession has caused serious repercussions for economies across the world. In the U.S., this crisis has increased the unemployment rate. Although the economic crisis can cause several public health problems, issues related to alcohol consumption and misuse are among the most likely to occur (9). Although currently, there is not known a clear association between financial crisis and alcohol consumption, there is a theoretical rationale commonly referred to as the tension-reduction hypothesis (9). This hypothesis shows that people tend to increase their alcohol consumption after stressful experiences because alcohol is used as a means of relieving adverse emotions resulting from exposure to anxiety (9).


Therefore, in these stressful times of financial crisis, it is essential to study the impact on mental health to prevent alcohol use disorders in society. For this reason, and in order to raise awareness, the World Health Organization has mentioned continuously on different platforms regarding the effects of the pandemic, especially in the areas of mental health and substance abuse, as they can have severe long-term impacts.(1).

To assess the effects of the Coronavirus crisis on individuals, the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) conducted a survey during the initial stage of the pandemic. In this survey, 72% of people said that the Coronavirus outbreak had altered their lives. It is interesting to see that women and parents are the groups that have seen the most interruptions in their lives, with percentages of around 74% and 73%, respectively  (3).



Furthermore, the study shows that 45% of adults mentioned that the crisis had altered their mental health, and 19% of them indicated that the crisis had a significant impact on their mental health. According to the study, Hispanic, African American, and female adults have the highest percentages (3).



The KFF survey also reveals that 57% of women with young children are more likely to report negative impacts on their mental health than 32% of their male counterparts (2). Besides, the KFF study mentions that 54% of those who have lost income or a job reported negative mental health impacts from anxiety about the coronavirus, compared to 40% of those without financial problems (2).

It is important to note that the pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated the economic insecurity of women, as historically and currently, women have received much lower wages than men. In fact, the KFF study also shows that a much more significant proportion of women worry about unemployment and loss of income due to work interruption caused by the virus outbreak compared to men. This anxiety and worry in people may be deeply linked to other poll results showing that women are more economically affected than men, with 40% and 39%, respectively. These financial problems that women currently suffer can be essential factors for the exponentiation of mental issues and alcohol abuse, considering that women are more likely to experience anxiety and depression than men (8).

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Some reports have mentioned that alcohol sales have increased by nearly 30% more than normal levels during the pandemic (4). This increase in alcohol consumption goes hand in hand with the rise in the unemployment rate.

It is surprising to note that although people have less money to spend on alcohol due to lower wages or unemployment, they are likely to drink more to relieve the stress they feel.
Unfortunately, in times of crisis, the alcohol industry takes advantage of people vulnerable to financial and mental health problems by selling larger, cheaper drinks for people to consume large amounts of alcohol.

The IZEA Worldwide, Inc. report takes a closer look at the effects of quarantine on alcohol consumption for social media users. This report mentions and corroborates an increasing number of drinkers during the pandemic. It also shows that women have increased their wine consumption to a degree equal to the percentage of men (4).




These statistical findings show that the pandemic probably has long and short-term implications for alcohol consumption and mental health. If these trends continue, we may soon see a high prevalence of mental health and alcohol consumption problems, perpetuated by a post-pandemic economic recession.

 The government must provide more access to treatments for mental health disorders and alcohol consumption to avoid long-term problems, especially in times of economic crisis. Currently, it is necessary to focus more on strategies and programs to prevent and adequately treat alcohol addiction, mainly in minority groups and women who are the most economically and psychologically affected groups in this pandemic. It is important to recognize that prevention of mental health disorders and alcohol consumption will lead to savings in the cost of treatments.

Therefore, the creation in a post-pandemic era of new approaches to treatment and prevention programs in the area of ​​mental disorders and alcohol consumption is crucial, as this will eventually lead to increased employment, productivity, and social and personal well-being.









