Burden of Alcohol consumption- COVID-19 Awareness!!!

Each year alcohol claims the lives of 3.3million people worldwide as 1 in 4 deaths occur among people under 50yrs. It causes over 200 types of diseases and affects the families and economies of nations. In developing nations, the numbers are not different irrespective of the paucity in data but a lot of male deaths is linked to excessive alcohol intake.

ALcohol deaths

Source: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. For more information, visit https://www.niaaa.nih.gov.

One wonders what the statistics may be in relation to COVID-19 Pandemic? What are the statistics on females as well!!!

It is worth the mention that binge drinking not only increases the risk of unintended pregnancies among women, their babies are at risk of health issues like sudden infant death syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Additionally, binge drinking increases the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and sexually transmitted diseases, among other health and social problems.

Presently, COVID-19 has directly claimed tens of thousands of U.S. lives, but conditions stemming from the novel coronavirus includes rampant unemployment, isolation, mental health sequelae and an uncertain future. The uncertain future has been projected that it could lead to 75,000 deaths attributable to drug or alcohol abuse and suicide, new research suggests. The deaths from these causes have been described as “deaths of despair.” And with the number of deaths in the U.S. exceeding more than 100,000, the COVID-19 pandemic and its sequelae may be accelerating conditions that lead to such deaths.

Though abstinence is the key to curb the alcohol menace of the problem. However, it is worth the mention that policy changes have made alcohol available and affordable to the global appeal, even in this contemporary time of the pandemic. Hence, it is a very difficult behavior to curtail in our present environment. All we can do is to continue to educate and re-educate on the dangers associated with it.

ALcohol & COVID 19

Alcohol control during COVID 19


  1. https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/alcohol-facts-and-statistics
  2. https://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arcr352/155-173.htm
  3. https://healthcare.utah.edu/the-scope/shows.php?shows=0_p0xim6x3
  4. https://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/bingedrinkingfemale/index.html
  5. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-deaths-suicides-drugs-alcohol-pandemic-75000/
  6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32221278/

COVID-19 Alcohol binge: Social Media influence

Alcohol use disorders are usually characterized by heavy alcohol use and loss of control over alcohol intake. People with an alcohol use disorder are at greater risk of COVID-19 not only because of the impact of alcohol on their health but also because they are more likely to experience homelessness or incarceration than other members of the population. Supportively, excessive chronic alcohol consumption reduces the body’s immunity and exposes the body to disease like COVID-19.

Health effects of alcohol

Drunk with filth

Following the ‘shelter in place order’ across the United States, one wonders the impact with regards to alcohol consumption. Reports have suggested an increased use among teenagers and adults as social media users are more likely to increase their alcohol use, finds new consumer research. Alcoholic beverage sales rose by 55% in late March, when many states and public health officials urged residents to stay at home, compared to sales in 2019. While the increase in sales could represent stockpiling for the sheltered weeks ahead, it also signals the potential for alcohol abuse. This is evidenced by 552 U.S. internet users ages 21 and above who self-identified as alcohol consumers and participated in a consumption online study. These were the major findings:

  1. Up to 47% of respondents say that their beer consumption had increased, followed by wine at 37%, and liquor at 30%.
  2. 33% of males reported that they are consuming more beer since COVID-19 lockdown vs. 19% of females.
  3. With regards to age distribution, 44% of consumers aged 21-29years say they are consuming more wine than usual.

In reality, we can attest that the consumption of alcohol is undeniable as evidenced by the story of a grandmother who requested more beer on social media and a beer company supplied her with some packs free of charge. Lol!!!

I am bored and miss my booze

Can I get some!!!

Richie richh!!

I got my heart desire

This suggests that the alcohol companies are also a major key to the puzzle of increased consumption as they are utilizing cheap goodwill publicity like that of the grandmother to manipulate the inert conscience of the public, via the social media platform. This in the end will boost alcohol sales in the long term. Another strategy used by companies to boost sales following the pandemic is through offerings of online happy hours, as this will ensure that people remain on social media platform longer than usual.

Booze snaps

Enjoying lunch break!

It is not surprising at these rising trends in alcohol consumption following COVID19 because almost the entire population are indoors and will lead to over reliance on social media outlets. In modern day society, this has turned out to be the new normal as everyday to day activity is heavily influenced by social media usage. There have been reports on the role of social media on alcohol consumption:

  • About 54% of TikTok users reported consuming more beer as compared to 8% of those who don’t use any form of Social Media. Similarly, Instagram users are 4.3 times more likely to have increased consumption of liquor, 43% of Twitch users say they have participated in an online “Happy Hour” since being impacted by Coronavirus, as opposed to 1.4% of those who don’t use any form of Social Media.
Alternate Water dispenser

New office hours water dispenser

In terms of gender, women are not left out of the equation as a recent study by the American Addiction Center revealed that about 36 % of men and 26 % of women said they’re drinking on the clock especially while working from home. This could be summarized as 1 in 3 Americans drinking alcohol while working from home during the current COVID-19 lockdown as reported by alcohol.org. It is therefore essential, under the current conditions, that people who need help because of their alcohol use get all the support they need. Conclusively, policy and advocacy online groups should consider utilizing the social media platform to re-educate the public on this silent menace.

Boredom paradox

Honey let go cook together