Presentations and Publications
Greenberg, D., Miller, C., & Puranik, C. (2024, October). Digital Writing Instruction. Workshop presented at the 2024 ProLiteracy National Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Martinez, J., Greenberg, D., Puranik, C., Braasch, J. L., Traga Philippakos, Z. A., MacArthur, C. A. & Miller, C. (2024, July). Adult Literacy students’ utility value of improving their writing skills. Poster presented at the Society of Text and Discourse Conference, Chicago, IL.
Greenberg, D., Miller, C., MacArthur, C., Philippakos, & Puranik, C. (2024, March). Writing and the High School Equivalency exam. Workshop presented at the 2024 Coalition on Adult Basic Education National Conference, Nashville, TN, United States.
Greenberg, D., Miller, C., Martinez, J., Puranik, C., Philippakos, Z., Macarthur, C. (2023, May, virtual). Writing and digital skills (part of symposium panel). American Educational Research Association, Adult Literacy and Adult Education, SIG.
Miller, C., Martinez, J., Greenberg, D., & Puranik, C. (2023, April 5). Digital Writing Assessment: Surveying Adult Education Students [Conference presentation]. 2023 COABE National Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
Martinez, J., Greenberg, D., Miller, C., & Puranik, C. (2023, April 4). Writing Instruction in Adult Education: Surveying Instructors’ Practices and Attitudes [Conference presentation]. 2023 COABE National Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
Martinez, J., Greenberg, D., Puranick, C., Braasch, J.L., Traga Philippakos, Z.A., MacArthur, C.A., & Miller, C. (2024). Utility value of improving writing skills for adult basic education students. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 68, 211-222.
Video abstract of the above article
Podcast discussion of the above article
Puranik, C., Greenberg, D., MacArthur, C., & Philippakos, Z.A., (2023). Writing instruction for Adult Education learners. Adult Literacy Education: The International Journal of Literacy, Language, and Numeracy, 5 (3), 73- 79.
Book Chapters
Traga Philippakos, Z. A., Puranik, C., Greenberg, D., Macarthur, C. A., Miller, C., Martinez, J. L. (2024). In J. Dehart (Ed.), Supporting the writing of adult learners: Benefits of case studies in curricula development. IGI-Global.