Understanding Color Walking

Phia Bennin and Brendan McMullan examine and test out color walking for themselves. This idea springing from William Burroughs as a mode of inspiration. The walker is to simply pick a color and try to follow it as they walk aimlessly. The authors allowed themselves to gradually shift colors as they explored and recorded colors […]

Controlling Your Online Space

Melissa King’s Better Online Living through Content Moderation addresses the “anti-content control rhetoric.” In the digital age new information is constantly and consistently presented to people, especially if said people have an online presence. Features such that block and limit search results and privacy options are given to users as needed as one does not need […]

Emily Bazelon’s Making Bathrooms More ‘Accommodating’

Emily Bazelon’s New York Time’s Magazine article  “Making Bathrooms More ‘Accommodating’” addresses some of the social norms challenged as of late. Namely, bathrooms are being taken under new scrutiny due to the now more widely accepted notions of gender fluidity.  Restrooms have always been seen as  gender specific and therefore constraining places. People have long […]

Gender Fluidity and Design

Suzanne Tick’s His & Hers: Designing for a Post-Gender Society addresses gender roles are applicable to our modern society. She notes that sexuality is the trademark of “male and female” especially perpetuated through technology and media. As we watch this transition, Tick believes that designers from fashion to architecture should be mindful of the social implications […]

Passages from Schindler’s “Architectural Exclusion”

Urban design is a “form of regulation” (1939). This quote may in fact be considered the thesis of Schindler’s “Architectural Exclusion.” As entire piece is written to explain what this means. Examples of urban design being the way a bridge was built in a city to prevent public transit to be able to drive underneath […]