The Underlying and Undermining- What Our Digital Environments Represent

Atlanta, like any major city in America, looks to progress by bringing in new business, residents, and improving the local environment. Idealistically, improvement would be mean progressive and agreeable changes for everyone in the area. Unfortunately, in the real world certain groups are left behind or purposely hindered from said improvement. The Central Atlanta Progress Inc. […]

The Real Downtown Atlanta- Objectively

The Real Downtown Atlanta is a video posted to Youtube by an Atlanta based nonprofit organization called Central Atlanta Progress and a public-private partnership  called The Atlanta Downtown Improvement District. CAP, founded in 1941, and ADID, founded in 1995, work to provide services that help maintain and stimulate the Downtown Atlanta area- namely through economic means […]

Oakland Cemetery

“Central Atlanta Progress | Atlanta Downtown Improvement District.” Central Atlanta Progress | Atlanta Downtown Improvement District. Central Atlanta Progress, Inc, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2016. <>. The Oakland Cemetery is maintained by The Historic Oakland Foundation, founded in 1976,and the city of Atlanta. They work “to preserve, restore, enhance, and share Oakland Cemetery with the public […]