What would I do If I was Hailey’s Parents?

First we must define the term “Gender” then we must define the term “Transgendered”. Gender is the psychological, social, and cultural aspect of maleness and femaleness. However, Transgendered is a general term applied to a variety of individuals, behaviors, and groups involving tendencies to vary from culturally conventional gender roles (Newman 124). I believe that if society has the ability to construct a way of life “Social Construction”. For example pink is for girls, and blue is for boys. A lot of people are missing out on amazing things. Society puts so many boundaries on my role as a woman. If I had a child like Hailey, I would accept my child just the way they are. I would pray to God that her life wouldn’t be too difficult. I would go against societies idea and love her/him despite the differences. I believe gender is socially constructed. It was an idea created by “we” the individuals. Sex is given, but Gender is constructed. Why should I always have to conform to societies standards?


Newman, David M. Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life. Vol. 10. N.p.n              Print.

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