My Black Life Matters: Walter Scott Shooting

Here come’s my children’s history rolling on me like a tidal wave. It’s been a long time since that last lynching, but I can still feel the crash of that wave on my skin. I call it the wave of White Supremacy. You see, back in the “Good Ol’ Boy” days, they used lynching as a public example. This example was supposed to strike fear in the Black Community. It was suppose to keep us under control. It was a policy managed by fright. So here I sit today, drowning in that same water. Today those Good Ol’ Boys have turned into government-employed pigs for the new generation (my generation). They have traded ropes for government-supplied weapons, that poplar tree has transformed to a cold hard ground. The same ground Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, John Crawford III, and now Walter Scott have to lie on. There are many more BLACK lives not mentioned, but I don’t have FOREVER to write. I am just a hard-working college student trying to finish my Spanish homework, but I can’t seem to complete my assignment, because I am distracted by CNN updates. I am thinking about going to get snacks after my assignment. However it is late, and if I get pulled over by police- I might get killed. America is supposed to be this great place, a place filled with opportunity and prosperity, and YES it is for certain people. But I do not see that image when I press the play button on that horrifying video. (Walter Scott). I see a country that systematically keeps Black lives at a disadvantage. America tells me, “It matters what YOU do”, “and if YOU work hard YOU will succeed”. But how will these statements prove true to people like me? How will it be true if the system is built for us to fail? I really do not know the answer. However, I do know that I will continue to fight.  

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