Underground Atlanta


Underground Atlanta, built and opened in 1969, was a retail and entertainment district. The site was mainly built on the concept of bringing a public night-life scene located at the heart of the city. However in 1980, the district closed due to the construction of the Five Points MARTA Station and then later reopened at the end of the decade. During that time, the area was also revamped and placed on the National Register of Historic Places by civic and businesses leaders since the area has been around since after the Civil War.

Although Underground Atlanta was created to be a tourist attraction as well as a daily and nightly hangout area, the location and design, and events that have occurred around and within the district area itself has caused its failure to erupt in the past recent years. The reasons are because of the lack of businesses that are in the environment including that businesses have left the environment. The surroundings of its location has always drawn people away from entering the facility. Also because of its dark urban interior, crime and violence has also began a role in one of the many reasons why attraction within the district has decreased.
