
Affordance: Something a design enable you to do.

Genre: A kind or type of something.

Conventions: The characteristics that define a genre.

Constraint: Something a design restricts us to do.

Summary: Pulling out ideas in the text and using your own words.

Paraphrase: A very short summary putting your ideas to what the text means. Goal is to get close to the meaning as possible.

Lexicon: A list of terms from a text, subject, and/or discussion.

Claim: A statement put forth as true that needs evidence to be convincing. Commonplace.

Thesis: The main claim of an argument.

Abstract: The overview.

Rhetoric: The art of crafting a message to affect change in a particular audience. The art of persuasion. Being able to see the available means of persuasion in an given situation.

Primary Research: Gathering the data yourself.

Secondary Research: Reporting and using data others have gathered.

Multi-modality: Bringing together different modes of communication. This includes: Linguistic, Oral, Visual, Gestural, & Spatial.

Content: What you say or what is being said.

Style: How you say or how it’s being said.

Digital Literacy: Our ability to work with the particular affordances of different medias.

Metadata: A set of data that describes and gives information about other data.

Explicit Claim: Stated outright

Implicit Claim: Suggested. Hinted

Exigency: A reason for being. “So What” test.

One thought on “Glossary

  1. Interesting first line there in terms of “digital literacy”… I’m not sure what you mean. By “what can be said” are you referring to linguistic text?

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