The Academic Blog: “We Make Money Not Art”

The Academic Blog, We Make Money Not Art, was founded by Regine Debatty who is a writer, curator, and critic. She is known for her writings on the intersection circulating between art, science, technology and social issues. She also ran a weekly art and science programme #A.I.L. (Artists in Laboratories) from 2012 to 2014.


One article I read was “The Woodpecker: Could Fake Birds Save Our Forests?”, which was posted on August 30th a few weeks ago, talks about the artist Richard Vitols explored a way to replace some of the bird species with artificial ones. He installed thrifty custom-made woodpeckers in a forest near Dusseldorf and visited weekly documenting the “health” of the artificial woodpeckers. He also made observations to see how the other inhabitants of the forest interacted with them. After his observation, some would be knocked down from their positions, others would have insects living in them if they battery was no longer in use. His experiment is still a working progress. And in September, he will be traveling to the LabVerde in the Brazil Amazon rain forest to further explore tree sound emissions and insect behavior under a different climate. Once he returns to Europe, he plans to build a second generation of artificial birds hoping they will be stronger and monitored 24/7.


Link to the article:


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