PSR: The High

Once I stepped off the escalator exiting the station, Arts Center, I turned on my heel and walked another flight of stairs to get to my destination. I kept following the arrows that stated “Woodruff Arts Center” and “High Museum of Art” and the very second I stepped off the top step, around the corner was this stain glass mural.


Along the corner from where I took this picture, a man was playing on a acrylic painted piano. I’ve heard recently that such vibrantly painted pianos were placed all over in different areas in Atlanta where people are free to play music to bring peace, joy and musical wonders throughout the city. Somehow I wondered if that was in the Five Points station I departed from earlier because I recall hearing a piano playing while waiting for the train.

Following the arrows, I’m met by the sun and greeted by colorfully painted chairs and tables that surrounded the piano. Once I cross the street and walk up another flight of stairs, on my right were painted shapes and figures, music playing, tents set up and families all around taking pictures of their children enjoying such figures. On my left was the entrance to the museum. I walk in and up to the admissions desks, and right when I take my wallet out the employee gives me a sticker informing me that it was a free day. (I saved $17, YES!)

While I waited about thirty minutes for my best friend to appear, I walked around the second level where the European and some of the American Art were held. Some of the masterpieces fascinated me including this vanity that separated my body with its various mirrors.


Once my friend finally arrived, he wanted to go straight to the Contemporary and Modern section which was at the very top level. So I skipped viewing the third level proceeding to the fourth and along the way I took advantage of taking pictures of the skyline and the skyview window up above the museum.

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Walking through the Contemporary and Modern art section, I finally got to see artwork that I’ve seen people took selfies with from Instagram. And of course, me and my friend did our part to contribute to the trend.


Below is my friend, Jordan.


Seeing these artworks for the first time not through a touchscreen device on a social network really sparked something within me. I feel as I can accomplish anything and soak up so much creativity and innovations walking through galleries. What was really amazing was being able to read the stories and inspirations behind most of the artists’ works. This was my first time at the High, and it was such a relaxing experience on a Sunday afternoon. I do plan on coming here another day, hopefully when it’s another free day, maybe when they have their teen night, possibly writing and maybe even start drawing the art myself as I saw a few young artists doing while I was there.


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