Three Resources for Combating Fear in the Creative Process



This Halloween, we’re reminded that ghosts and ghouls aren’t the only things that frighten. As creatives, our process is embedded with fears that can either destroy or empower us.

Fear of failure is a battle every creator and innovator must face. This fear might be avoided in the short term, but eventually, every artist must slay their inner demons that cast doubts, inhibitions, and anxiety. Here are three resources that will fuel your creative fire and empower you to face your fears:


BOOK: The War of Art


Surely you’ve ready this classic creative manifesto, but if not, you must put Steven Pressfield’s “The War of Art” at the top of your list. Pressfield demonstrates the power of naming your fears and describes a creative’s fear as “resistance.” It’s resistance that comes between the creative and her work, and it’s resistance that we must come to grips with in order to experience creative freedom.


TALK: How To Overcome The Fear of Failure

In an interview with 30 Days of Genius, creative entrepreneur Seth Godin, discusses the difficulty we all face as we attempt to extract the genius that we all carry within. Godin explains that we “have to dance with the fear” because fear is an essential part of the creative process. In just three minutes, this video is bound to inspire you to dance along with the rhythms of your fears.


APP: CreativeLive

Sometimes, the best way to keep our creative fears at bay is to stay inspired. The logic is simple: feed your creativity, starve your fears. If you’re looking for a daily dose of creative inspiration, check out the new app by CreativeLive. Launched in 2010 as a web-based, CreativeLive is a worldwide creative education platform that connects more than 10 million students with more than 2 billion minutes of video. CreativeLive’s video library consists of content gathered from leading experts in industries such as photography, video, design, music, craft and entrepreneurship. Their latest mobile app allows users to access this content on their mobile devices and it offers one free class per day from any course offered on the platform. Check it out HERE.



3 Questions To Evaluate Creative Learning Strategies


As we increasingly recognize creativity as a valuable asset to the global economy, we will continue to see an emphasis on creative teaching and thinking strategies in schools and in the workplace. But, how do we evaluate these strategies to determine which best promote creative learning?

There are no clear cut ways to measure the value of creative learning strategies, but there are questions that we can ask in order to make judgements about their value for children.

When evaluating creative thinking or learning activities, strategies, and programs, it is useful to consider the following questions:

Does this activity, strategy, or program allow for divergent thinking?

The concept of divergent thinking was defined by psychologist J.P. Guilford and refers to the process of generating multiple outcomes, solutions, or possibilities for a given topic or problem. Creativity thrives in thought processes that allow for multiple possibilities and ideas. Can you identify opportunities for divergent thinking?

Does this activity, strategy, or program encourage children to consider different combinations of existing concepts and ideas?

Creativity is also practiced when individuals consider the possibilities of combining existing concepts and ideas in new and different ways. Artist and creativity expert, Austin Kleon,  compares creative thinking to mathematical permutations. What does the concept of combinatorial thinking (or remix) mean in today’s creative economy? In a presentation called, Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity, Maria Popova explains, “[creative] work builds on what came before. Every new idea is just a remix or a mashup of two previous ideas.” Can you identify opportunities for combining existing concepts and ideas in new and different ways?

Does this activity, strategy, or program allow for experimentation and failure?

Creativity is often judged by the end product, not the process. Perhaps this is because the creative process can be messy, difficult to capture, and littered with mistakes. But, we all understand that our mistakes can drive the creative process by showing us what doesn’t work and directing us toward better solutions. Our mishaps can also surprise us with possibilities we would have never considered. Can you identify opportunities that allow for experimentation and value the possibilities in failure? 


Funding your dreams: Scholarships, Loans, and Financial Information


When considering an advanced degree, we all ask the same questions: how much will it cost and how will I pay for it?

There are numerous opportunities for scholarships, aid, and other forms of financial assistance, but figuring out what applies to you is half the battle. To help you begin your search, we have compiled a list of helpful links for information about the ways Georgia State University can support you through our office of Student Financial Services.

  • Before you search for aid, scholarships, or loan opportunities, it’s important to know how much your degree will cost. Use this COST CALCULATOR to estimate the total cost for completing a Masters Degree at Georgia State.
  • When applying for a graduate degree, make sure you search for scholarships that are designated for graduate students. To simplify this process, you may want to attend a workshop through the Student Financial Services office.
  • For a direct link to a list of scholarships specific to graduate students, click HERE.
  • When you have been officially accepted to a Georgia State Graduate Program, you will have access to a scholarship data base that allows you to search internal and external scholarships that apply to your degree program. Click HERE to access the scholarship database.
  • If you work in K-12 education, you may be eligible for scholarships specific to public-school educators. For more information about opportunities available to educators, check out the scholarships and fellowships through the College of Education and Human Development.
  • Georgia State University now offers a payment plan that allow you to defer payment for up to 50% of the current term’s tuition and mandatory fees OR 50% of their account balance, whichever is less. For more information about this payment plan, click HERE.
  • There may be study abroad opportunities that can apply to your interests. If so, there are funding possibilities through the university. To learn more about study abroad scholarships, click HERE.

As always, we are here to help answer your questions about The Master of Arts in Creative & Innovative Education. If you have specific questions about scholarships and financial aid that are not addressed through these links, your questions will be best answered through the Office of Student Financial Services. Click HERE for their contact information.

Your questions answered: Our program at-a-glance

If you haven’t been able to join us for an in-person informational session, you probably have lots of questions about The Master of Arts in Creative & Innovative Education program. You might be wondering:

  • What can I do with this degree?
  • Who is the ideal candidate?
  • How many semesters does it take to complete the program?
  • What kind of courses will I take?
  • How do I apply?
  • Are there opportunities for financial assistance?

Check out our SlideShare presentation to find answers to these and other questions about the MACIE program. Inside the presentation you’ll find a video, program information, and important web links.